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Most Underrated players in the 14th
A Decent Lineman Wrote:i think that a lot of ppl overlook a lot of hazard's talent on the basketball court bcuz of Justin Hicks. He steals a lot of the spotlight because he is a good player, but he does not win it by himself. I think a lot of teams are this way---jbs of course---but I think people need to realize that there is more to a team than just the best 3 pt shooter or best rebounder. IMO A LOT of players are underrated because a lot of GOOD players steal the spotlight on that team, including the likes of Hicks and the Stepps which is all neone seems interested in on But I just think a lot of us could give a lot more players recognition on here than just the obviously great ones.

Recongnition in here don't mean crap. There is no such thing. If you're a Hazad fan I would think you would be thrilled to have a player like Hicks on your team. He a true leader and plays hard. He may still the spot light but that's with any team with a good player. Hazard has some good young players on their team like Jones, Campbell, Kid and there time will come in the next few years. I really don't think anyone thinks Hicks wins it alone. They are playing some really good ball right now and just won the All A regional. I don't understand why you're putting down your own team and one of the best players in the region and mountains as far as that goes.
faninthestands Wrote:Recongnition in here don't mean crap. There is no such thing. If you're a Hazad fan I would think you would be thrilled to have a player like Hicks on your team. He a true leader and plays hard. He may still the spot light but that's with any team with a good player. Hazard has some good young players on their team like Jones, Campbell, Kid and there time will come in the next few years. I really don't think anyone thinks Hicks wins it alone. They are playing some really good ball right now and just won the All A regional. I don't understand why you're putting down your own team and one of the best players in the region and mountains as far as that goes.

I am not putting down my own team, I Would NEVER do that. All I do is defend my team at all times when I am on here and will always be proud of my team and school. So dont EVER say I am putting my team down. SINCE the thread was about underrated players I thought I would speak my mind that there are other players out there that are really good!! Yeah, evry team has good players we all know that, but basketball, as in any sport is a team effort, and some other guys who are GOOD can get talked about some....I think Hicks is a great guy and a greater bball player, you took my post the wrong way. IN NO WAY do I think he takes the spotlight on purpose...He cannot help the attention he gets, and neither can neone else as a matter of fact. I just figured that, since we were talkin about who is underrated...that we could make a conscious effort to talk about other players occasionally. BUT, if all we can talk about is Hicks, Stepp and all the other great ball players around the regions then so-be-it, Im not complainin....just makin a suggestion. Sry....
I thought this post was about Underated Players...which i think are players that no one in the region hears about... People hear about Hicks, Romans, Stepp, Collins, Blank, Stamper, Gay, Hurt, Cambell, Berryman, Kelly...and it goes on and on...I think these players are some of the top rated players in the region. Can we please talk about players that are under the radar a little..Thank You
OK. Puckett would be my most underated player.
Tate Cox
14thRegionPlayer Wrote:I thought this post was about Underated Players...which i think are players that no one in the region hears about... People hear about Hicks, Romans, Stepp, Collins, Blank, Stamper, Gay, Hurt, Cambell, Berryman, Kelly...and it goes on and on...I think these players are some of the top rated players in the region. Can we please talk about players that are under the radar a little..Thank You

that is what I was trying to get everyone to do....which if you read my original post...u would know.
campbell from hazard is definately underated......i think whenever hicks is not having a "good night" campbell steps up and gets some numbers up on the boards. i'd never heard his name a whole lot and then i saw him completly over power some lee co. boys in the all a tourney. he was just too much for them lol
i'm really suprised that i don't see zack gay from buckhorn on here more than i should. he is really a great contribution to buckhorns team, i saw him at owsley co.'s homecoming and he really impressed me.
just to throw this out there, but i think landon johnson from lee is underrated...i think sometimes his name gets lost in the mix...
I would Deff say Zach Gay is Underated.I would say 2nd most underated behind Puckett....Gay had a triple-double in the 14th all "A" against Jackson 14pts ..11rebs..10 thats good!
banks from powell is a very good player that dont get much reconition
Survivor Wrote:OK. Puckett would be my most underated player.

W/o a doubt
Puckett is the most underated player in the 14th. It's alot tougher when you get double teamed night in night out. If he wanted to he could shoot the ball 20 times a game like the Stepp kid and average 25 also. He doesn't do that. His skills one on one are as good as anyone in the 14th. Uses either hand better than anyone in the 14th. Just to bad he plays where he will never get his skills showcased in any big tourny's. He will go on and have a good career after high school if pointed in the right direction.
I think Kelly from PCC is a very underrated player. He means alot to his team. He scores very well when he gets in down low. If he catches it on the post its almost a guaranteed 2 points. Shoots very well from the free-trhow line and rebounds well. Kelly is a very solid player.

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