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Big Trouble at Lexington Catholic
plantmanky Wrote:Question.

I am hearing that the messages were sent after school hours and not on school property. Is that the case?

If so I am curious as to why the school is involved in the first place.

Here's the deal on that... Each upper classmen are assigned several underclass, kinda like a team captain and is in charge to monitor the underclassmen to be sure they get the proper fundraising money turned in on time and to be sure that each players are doing there part of fundraising for the program. The text/ conversation did occurred outside school jurisdiction. Player(s) were not doing their part or turning in fundraising money and that's how the ugly conversation started.
This is such a touchy subject........ but here are my 3 cents.

'Bullying' WILL NEVER GO AWAY!!!!!!!
No Ad Campaigns, No Slogans, No Politicians, No Laws, No Celebrities/Athletes will ever stop bullying. #FactofLife #TrueStory

Bullying is part of life. In some form or fashion, bullying is in every age group, race, job, school, economical class....... As long as their are humans, there will be bullying.
Check out my YouTube channel.
I can understand bullying they're kids it's gonna happen and it's up to the staff to control it as much as possible, and it sounds like it was handed very poorly by the administration, but what I don't understand is the recruiting violations by the coaches they are adults and should be delt with accordingly LC should be held accountable the same as any college that recruits illegally there should be an investigation and if found guilty they should be put on probation.
First and foremost, this is not just bullying, it is a throwback to the terrible days of in your face biggetry. There is absolutely no place in our world for such comments or actions. Now please quit trying to justify it as just bullying that kids do.

Secondly, you know that KHSAA isn't going to do squat about the recruiting violations. This is a private school with money, so the playing field doesn't have to be level for them.
There is no way to sugar coat this. This is pure hate, regardless of how you present it. How it should be dealt with??? Glad I'm not the one holding a kids future in my hands.. Kid needs to do some soul searching for sure.
I'm not trying to justify it as anything, most of you on here should know by now that I'm a Boyle county fan Lex Cath is not on my list of favorite schools they're Boyle's most h--ed rival. The student who committed this act should be punished to the fullest extent of the law this type behavior should not be tolerated in any school system, and you may be right about the KHSSA not doing anything about the recruiting violations but Lex Cath should be held accountable and punished the same as the student who committed this act of Bullying,Biggetry,or Racial act that he committed. What ever you call it it's wrong and shouldn't be tolerated.
how should this have been handled?
Jack Lambert Wrote:I'm not trying to justify it as anything, most of you on here should know by now that I'm a Boyle county fan Lex Cath is not on my list of favorite schools they're Boyle's most h--ed rival. The student who committed this act should be punished to the fullest extent of the law this type behavior should not be tolerated in any school system, and you may be right about the KHSSA not doing anything about the recruiting violations but Lex Cath should be held accountable and punished the same as the student who committed this act of Bullying,Biggetry,or Racial act that he committed. What ever you call it it's wrong and shouldn't be tolerated.

I agree with everything you said, but may I ask what ACT that he committed?
It's was an ugly verbal threat, and with a law enforcement background... All I can see as far as punishment from the law side, is probation, sensitivity diversion class... Especially if the perpetrator has never been in the juvenile jail system before.
If you turn the student over to administration and they turn it to the authorities what else can you do as a school?
DDP5 Wrote:If you turn the student over to administration and they turn it to the authorities what else can you do as a school?

Exactly. It was brought up to the school only after the mother saw what was written to her kid's text. Both kids kept texting back and forth and obviously the kid really didn't feel any of the threats were immanent at that time. In fact correct me if I am wrong... weeks went by before the mother saw the text. Any how, school was told and the perpetrator was handed school consequences. Again it was an out of school incident. Administrators can't control what's written on social media, texting back and forth and if a crime occurs outside the school premise, it's up to the victim to file a report/ charges.
We all know why this is a bigger deal.
FBfan4life Wrote:Exactly. It was brought up to the school only after the mother saw what was written to her kid's text. Both kids kept texting back and forth and obviously the kid really didn't feel any of the threats were immanent at that time. In fact correct me if I am wrong... weeks went by before the mother saw the text. Any how, school was told and the perpetrator was handed school consequences. Again it was an out of school incident. Administrators can't control what's written on social media, texting back and forth and if a crime occurs outside the school premise, it's up to the victim to file a report/ charges.
We all know why this is a bigger deal.

I don't believe everything I read in the media, but in this article, the victim's mother said that she told the coach and he didn't do anything about it.

When are we going to hold parents accountable for the actions of their children? If my kid ever comes home with a problem similar to this one, my first call will be to daddy.
FBfan4life Wrote:Exactly. It was brought up to the school only after the mother saw what was written to her kid's text. Both kids kept texting back and forth and obviously the kid really didn't feel any of the threats were immanent at that time. In fact correct me if I am wrong... weeks went by before the mother saw the text. Any how, school was told and the perpetrator was handed school consequences. Again it was an out of school incident. Administrators can't control what's written on social media, texting back and forth and if a crime occurs outside the school premise, it's up to the victim to file a report/ charges.
We all know why this is a bigger deal.

Check out my YouTube channel.
FBfan4life Wrote:I agree with everything you said, but may I ask what ACT that he committed?
It's was an ugly verbal threat, and with a law enforcement background... All I can see as far as punishment from the law side, is probation, sensitivity diversion class... Especially if the perpetrator has never been in the juvenile jail system before.

He committed a 2nd degree terroristic threat. That's a class D felony that caries a minimum of 1 year in prison for adults. Luckily, he is not an adult. He won't get anything more than community service for a 1st offense. For a law enforcement background, you sure don't know much about this law, no offense.
Wildcat18 Wrote:When are we going to hold parents accountable for the actions of their children?

I meant to hit on this earlier but got distracted by a waffle. The school will be punished and be tarnished before anything is said about parenting. It has become the schools problem to raise children and not the parents. Just listen to politicians who blame our schools for failing the kids, never will you hear the word parents from a politician.
Wildcat18 Wrote:He committed a 2nd degree terroristic threat. That's a class D felony that caries a minimum of 1 year in prison for adults. Luckily, he is not an adult. He won't get anything more than community service for a 1st offense. For a law enforcement background, you sure don't know much about this law, no offense.

" He won't get anything more than community service for a 1st offense ". That's what you said right Sir? Well what do you think when I said he might or probably receive " Probation or DEVERTION or sensitivity class " means? DEVERTION CLASS IS COMMUNITY SERVICE sir. Once you finish the hours needed for class ie. traffic school. You go to traffic school in lieu getting points on your drivers license. And being placed on probation mean you as a perpetrator is promising you wont commit or violate " THE CONDITION OF YOUR PROBATIO " ie. must come to school everyday, must maintain certain grades etc etc ect. :Thumbs:
Wildcat18 Wrote:I don't believe everything I read in the media, but in this article, the victim's mother said that she told the coach and he didn't do anything about it.

When are we going to hold parents accountable for the actions of their children? If my kid ever comes home with a problem similar to this one, my first call will be to daddy.

That's her side Sir. You can believe whoever you want, but I am telling you the perpetrator was handed school consequences. It may not to the liking of the victim's parents but he was dealt with...
FBfan4life Wrote:That's her side Sir. You can believe whoever you want, but I am telling you the perpetrator was handed school consequences. It may not to the liking of the victim's parents but he was dealt with...

Oh No! Not school consequences!
The NAACP is looking to really put it to Lexington Catholic High School. They're now asking for an audit of the athletic program. This could become a much bigger problem for LexCath athletics.

From a article:

{NAACP officials said that Lexington Catholic High’s athletic program should undergo an audit or investigation with terms agreed to by the NAACP that includes “uncovering its recruitment of black youth, perpetuation of stereotypes based on attitudes of white superiority, failure to consider needs of students of color and the breeding of an imbedded racist belief system within the school community."}
Told you all this would become big trouble....
I hope they do audit Lex Cath, they have been robbing athletes for years, and they have been caught more than once, and its been over looked. This school is very well connected in the KHSAA. Ask any of the teams that have lost close games at Lexington Catholic, how involved officials get late in the game, and how many complaints have been filed over the years concerning recruiting with not repercussions. Sounds like you recruited the wrong ones this round. :Clap:
I'm not sure how to take this, maybe someone can enlighten me that knows more about the situation. Why is there an audit for how they recruit young African-American athletes? I would think they would recruit an athlete because he was an athlete. Have they been turning kids away because they were African-American or are they upset because they are only being let into a private school because they are athletic?
Off topic but dealing with audits, remember the whole Derrick Rose ACT fiasco? That was uncovered from an audit of the women's golf program at Memphis. Same with the USC Reggie Bush violations, found some other USC teams were breaking rules etc. So I can see where they would want to audit the whole department.
Lexington Catholic has too many lawyers that have graduated their and are alumni and have a vested interest in their school and even some who are very well connected to the khsaa.
Nothing will happen to the extent that some want or think.
I would think that the NAACP will have more power to persecute LC than LC will have to defend itself. If it were my school I would be worried.
Has the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington made any comments on this?
Check out my YouTube channel.
It's like we are taking a step back into the 1960's. There is no place for this in our society.
...And here we go:
Coach should dismiss him from team. Is he still playing? The rest handled by authorities .
Wildcat18 Wrote:...And here we go:

Good, private schools have recruited openly for years. KHSAA gets way to much money from them and alumni to bust them. I hope they all have their own conference. Wishful thinking.
Marc Logan stated " His son experience discrimination " and mentioned that the school HAD a history of discrimination and harassment.... But yet Marc Logan continued to be on the coaching staff as the RB coach with coach Letton, while his son continued to play for 4 years at Lex Cath. Now 3-4 years later, he's making these allegations. Interesting!

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