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The Death of Breathitt Football
I love Kyle, I have questioned him being the right man for them job but really do like and respect him ever see our playing days. but last night when I saw his little brother who never played football in his life or coached with a headset on I lost some respect for Kyle. Does anyone know what kevin Moore's job is and why he is sending info down to sidelines??
Blue/Red Wrote:Holcomb was breathitt

Just as Rupp was KY, K is Duke, Etc Etc. You could say the same thing of any coach who has been somewhere as long as Mike was at Breathitt. Sure Mike is missed but the problems you see now were coming anyway IMO as has been discussed elsewhere...
Just because you didn't play football doesn't mean you don't know the game.
wolfcat Wrote:I love Kyle, I have questioned him being the right man for them job but really do like and respect him ever see our playing days. but last night when I saw his little brother who never played football in his life or coached with a headset on I lost some respect for Kyle. Does anyone know what kevin Moore's job is and why he is sending info down to sidelines??

I noticed the same thing, and I was very surprised to see Kyle's younger brother sitting in the press box, sending down info to the team. I think Kyle needs to surround himself with more experienced assistant coaches. This team struggles with the basic fundamentals, and they seem to struggle in the second half of games, when other teams make the proper adjustments. I don't think it's time for a new coach, but improvements need to be made with this coaching staff. If I am not mistaken, Coach Beeder is the only assistant coach who has any coaching experience, outside of Coach Moore. With that being said, I hope the Bobcats can win out, and lay claim to another district championship, and create some momentum for next season.
I am starting to think that the guys are getting gassed in the second half which is the reason for the second half let down. So many guys play so many snaps... But, I'm not sure what Kevin's job entails so I don't think it's fair to question what role he is playing...
As someone who knows Kevin if he's playing any role other than Water boy it is too much. He does not have the football knowledge to compete with coaches that we face. In the glory days we had great assistants who have went onto success at other programs such as Mark Dixon, Mike Bowlin and John Paul Chapman. We need to get back to having these caliber assistants if we are going to have the success we have become used to.
it's hard to find anybody that has the time to "volunteer" and dedicate themselves to a program. Most people have to work for a living. The assistants used to get paid at least some money......not a lot mind you but something is better than nothing....
Whats wrong with Shorty Combs, Jade Haddix, and Chapman boys that used to play for the Cats?
wolfcat Wrote:I love Kyle, I have questioned him being the right man for them job but really do like and respect him ever see our playing days. but last night when I saw his little brother who never played football in his life or coached with a headset on I lost some respect for Kyle. Does anyone know what kevin Moore's job is and why he is sending info down to sidelines??

I don't think it's important to have played the game to be able to understand and coach it at a high level.

Now maybe in this situation Kevin Moore has no knowledge of the game what so ever and shouldn't be given a chance and is only getting one because of nepotism. However it's long been proven that in most situations those who can't do, teach. I am not standing up for him in this post, as I do not know him, only raising alertness to the fact that having played does not equal being more qualified to coach or in this instance assist.

Some of the most successful NFL and College head coaches never played a down of football at the level they coached. They dedicate their livelihood to understanding, teaching and often innovating the game. I don't think its fair to downplay their qualifications because they did not play.
Kevin is only on the staff because his bro is head coach. I know Kevin well and he does not know football.
I'll tell you why Breathitt hasn't had any assistants over the past 3 or 4 years. No one is interested in it. No pay at all. Why go and kill yourself for $500.00 and most of the assistants the Holcomb had got paid pretty good or just wanted to get their foot in the door. Shorty helped for a while when he got out of college. Then he got tenure and said the heck with it. Came back for a season or two and said the heck with it again. Those assistants you mentioned and most of all of holcombs assistants have head coaching jobs now. So I agree Holcomb had quality staff. But Holcomb could pay his guys also. Kyle is kinda handcuffed in that dept. It will get better. Just give it time. Super seems to be supportive. That's a plus.
There are more programs in EKY that have had some tough years than programs that haven't. There's a lot that goes into great programs around the top is unity.
Breathitt had the deck stacked against them with the state coming in and not a lot of jobs there.
I think sometimes lost in Breathitt's success was Holcomb being a pioneer in KY as far as throwing the ball around. He was ahead of the curve compared to most of the state. Now it's much more common. There's many things influencing Breathitt being down. They won't always be down. I don't know if they'll ever be what they were because they lost a big edge being ahead of the times. Wish them the best of luck though. Great tradition!
Breathitt just like most other schools have paid asst. In fact the school alots 4 paid asst @ $4,000 each. Is it a lot of money for all the time and energy that you put into coaching no but most of the reason you do it is b/c you have a passion for it! You can point a finger at whomever and whatever and there are a lot of reasons why most of the sports program at Breathitt have gone down. The main reason is most of the kids in this county don't participate in sport activity. You have bigger kids walking the hallways at Breathitt than you do on the playing fields. Probably figure it's easier to set on the couch and play it on the play station or x-box. Non the less, Breathitt is headed in the right direction with the youth football. It will probably take them until those kids are in high school for the turn around but rebuilding processes are never quick an easy. Also short term, schedule some teams that your kids can compete with instead of teams where the kids are getting beat down all the time. I don't mean cupcakes just teams that are on your level. Moral is a big thing with kids and it's hard for them to go from start to end during the course of a season with a positive attitude when all the experience is losing! Next school admin, student body and the community needs to get behind these boys and girls. It's sad when the visiting teams fans are louder than yours.
That was in the more paid assistants.
For those blaming on the state takeover killing the feeder system: What year did the state take over?
2012 I believe. Now I'm not positive on that. But I believe that was the year. Maybe even late 2011 in the middle of the school year. But I can't really remember. Somewhere around there.
bobcatsfan Wrote:2012 I believe. Now I'm not positive on that. But I believe that was the year. Maybe even late 2011 in the middle of the school year. But I can't really remember. Somewhere around there.

So the grade school teams wouldn't have been cut off until then, right? That means this year's seniors down through the high school ranks really shouldn't have been affected by it.
Yeah we didn't have a middle school team here one or two years or may have only played a few games of middle school. These seniors I don't think even played a full season in middle school. Maybe. I forget in my age now. But Someone can correct me if I am wrong but No middle school program is really what killed them. Now that we have a middle school coach that was there in the past it will get better. For a true fan of Breathitt football win or lose you are always behind your team. These kids deserve that. When your bashing and bashing it does nothing but put negative vibes in your program. If your a fan then be a fan if not stay at home. Go Cats!!!
It's time to stop making excuses and start showing improvements. Coach Moore was dealt a bad hand, I get that, but I don't see the program heading in the right direction at this time. I understand the fact we are young at a lot of important positions, especially quarterback, but I haven't observed a lot of growth with our younger kids, over the past two years. Collins has been the heart and soul of our team, and with him being a senior, I don't know what we will do next year without him. He has single handedly put this team on his back the past two years. Without him, I truly believe we wouldn't have won any games last year or this year. With that being said, I hope improvements are made and Coach Moore can turn this thing around, and get the program back to respectability, but realistically things aren't looking good in Jackson.
Everyone who knows anything about football saw this coming a LONG TIME AGO. I remember discussing this 3 years ago with a guy that graduated from Breathitt Co. and is coaching today. When the State took that district over, it was a killer for the program. Why do you think Holcomb left? It doesn't matter who the coach is, things are not like they used to be there and probably won't be for some time to come, if ever. It will get worse before it gets better, and that is no fault of the coaching staff. Some of you can get on here and talk about this coach or that coach all you want to, but the plain truth is there was no support, funding, or teams for younger players for quite some time. Its going to take awhile to get things rolling again. Try being supportive and helping the kids instead of blaming guys who are out there working against some serious negativity toward football.
Cat Daddy Wrote:It's time to stop making excuses and start showing improvements. Coach Moore was dealt a bad hand, I get that, but I don't see the program heading in the right direction at this time. I understand the fact we are young at a lot of important positions, especially quarterback, but I haven't observed a lot of growth with our younger kids, over the past two years. Collins has been the heart and soul of our team, and with him being a senior, I don't know what we will do next year without him. He has single handedly put this team on his back the past two years. Without him, I truly believe we wouldn't have won any games last year or this year. With that being said, I hope improvements are made and Coach Moore can turn this thing around, and get the program back to respectability, but realistically things aren't looking good in Jackson.

Why don't you think the program is going in the right direction?
What would you do differently?
What have you done to help the situation there?
School Admin. Wrote:Why don't you think the program is going in the right direction?
What would you do differently?
What have you done to help the situation there?

I'm not going to be a "Monday Morning Quarterback", and if I did tell you what I would do differently, it would be looked as "bashing the coaching staff", or "bringing negativity to the program", so I will keep my mouth shut. The one positive I will talk about within the program is the "Lumberjacks". These kids are the real deal. They have two teams consisting of third and fourth graders and fifth and six graders. I know the third and fourth grade team is undefeated and the fifth and six grade team has only lost a game or so. If all of these kids can stay together, the future looks very bright for the Bobcat program, long term.
I agree with catdaddy if not for Collins these past couple years we wouldn't have won more than 1 or 2 games. I think the issue is player development. Take Justin haddix his first year starting in 2001 he was below average he comes out in 02 and has record breaking season. I don't think this coaching staff would have developed him anywhere as quickly as the previous one did. And to answer question one why we are not going in right direction the answer is simply we are not winning and the majority of people I speak with no longer care. Sure if we start winning they will come back but I just don't see that happening unless something changes. Plus it's not like we are in the toughest district or playing a tough schedule. In an average year breathitt should go at least 8-2 with this schedule and more realistic 9-1 or 10-0. The only really good team we played was the Cincinnati team.
I have been there every night to cheer then regardless of weather or where they are playing but after awhile even a former bobcat loses heart in the program
What's the latest on the Jackson City school? They might get a player or two from there.
It was barely hanging on a few years ago. It seems more than a little strange to have two schools a mile apart.
Let the state take over any school system and see what happens to the sports programs.
HCS Wrote:What's the latest on the Jackson City school? They might get a player or two from there.
It was barely hanging on a few years ago. It seems more than a little strange to have two schools a mile apart.

Not strange. Look at Taylor County and Campbellsville or Boyle/Danville. I am sure there are more.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

wolfcat Wrote:I agree with catdaddy if not for Collins these past couple years we wouldn't have won more than 1 or 2 games. I think the issue is player development. Take Justin haddix his first year starting in 2001 he was below average he comes out in 02 and has record breaking season. I don't think this coaching staff would have developed him anywhere as quickly as the previous one did. And to answer question one why we are not going in right direction the answer is simply we are not winning and the majority of people I speak with no longer care. Sure if we start winning they will come back but I just don't see that happening unless something changes. Plus it's not like we are in the toughest district or playing a tough schedule. In an average year breathitt should go at least 8-2 with this schedule and more realistic 9-1 or 10-0. The only really good team we played was the Cincinnati team.
I have been there every night to cheer then regardless of weather or where they are playing but after awhile even a former bobcat loses heart in the program
Justin worked his butt off to.improve. Not sure the players today have that same work ethic. I am not putting the players down or questioning their work ethic, just saying that Justin was good because he worked hard to improve..
Twitter: @tc_analytics

TheBrahmaBull Wrote:Not strange. Look at Taylor County and Campbellsville or Boyle/Danville. I am sure there are more.

Those schools are three times the size of Jackson.
All those boys that played in those years worked their butts off. You would see them go watch film on Saturday mornings and heck even Sunday's. They lifted, they ran all summer even through dead period. These kids have too many things to do these days. Too many Of those boxes and play stations. Those boys from Breathitt from about 1988 or 1989 till 2012 were kids that really and truly wanted to win state titles. A down year was 7-4 in the least. We had kids that would work their butts off to win no matter what. That's the difference these days. Those kids back then just wanted it more than everyone else and it was a dog fight to beat them. Until these kids realize how hard it takes to win championships and the work that goes into those championships there will not be any in Breathitt County. Hopefully the little lumberjack bunch does stay together. They have some good little athletes looked like.
Yall stole the words right oughta my mouth. The jimmys and Joes don't have the fight in them as they once did. Breathitt Changed with the times. The times include careless attitudes which is death of a program. The days of kids doing extra and taking responsibility for their actions and future is wayyyyyy down on their lists these days... Sad situation.....
You guys show me some players that work hard while the coaches aren't watching and I'll go with you on any Friday night to watch a helluva team....

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