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Summer Slam Updates
Wyatt and Ambrose win
Up next: Title vs Title...Cena (US C) vs. Rollins (WWE Champ)
Surprised that this is happening this early...Bet Taker/Lesnar is the main event
Cena out first and Cena sucks chants start as soon as his music hits
Rollins music hits and everyone cheers LOL
Rollins in control early....Cena hits Rollins with a right and stops Rollins
Rollins back in control
Rollins wins the US Title...John Stewart screws John Cena
Ref knocked out...Both wrestlers down, Stewart comes running down with a steel chair acting like he's gonna hit Rollins, turns around and hits Cena in the gut then throws the chair on the mat and tells Rollins to finish him off...Rollins hits Cena with a pedigree on the chair...throws chair out of ring...covers Cena..ref comes back in and counts 1..2..3
Rollins WWE Champ and US Champ
Divas match is next
Team Bad (Tamina/Naomi/Sasha Banks) have been eliminated
Team PCB wins the divas match..
Up next: Cesaro vs. Owens
Kevin Owens defeats Cesaro
Up next: Lesnar vs. Taker
Out first...Lesnar
Undertaker's first Summer Slam appearance since 2008...WOW
F5 to taker through Announce table
Lesnar kicks out of a Tombstone
LEsnar sits up laughing. TAker sits up turns and looks at Lesnar and starts laughing at him then start trading hits
LEsnar kicks out of the last ride
Undertaker kicks out of an F5
back to back F5's and Taker kicks out
Taker defeats Lesnar by submission
Replay shows that Taker tapped out to the kamora lock but ref didn't see it..Time keeper rang the bell, the ref tells them to do their job that he didn't call for the bell, Taker hits LEsnar with a low blow then puts Lesnar in hells gates and LEsnar passes out...Taker wins

Good PPV but I've seen better
Overall, the PPV had some good wrestling.

Cena/Rollins & Lesnar/Undertaker both were good matches, but the screwy ending of both just kinda left a bad taste in my mouth as a consumer.

Overall, I'd give the show a C.
Sheamus vs. Randy Orton - B+
Tag Team Title match - B-
Rusev vs. Dolph Ziggler - C-
Stephen Amell & Neville vs. Stardust & King Barrett - C
Ryback vs. The Miz vs. The Big Show - C
Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt & Luke Harper - A-
Seth Rollins vs. John Cena - This was an A+, but the Jon Stewart interference made it a B-
PCB vs. Team Bella vs. B.A.D. - B-
Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro - B
Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker - This was an A+ as well, but the botched ending made it a C.

- A double count out in a rivalry match (Rusev vs. Ziggler)
- A run in by Jon Stewart that effected the outcome of a title match.
- A botched ending in the main event.
- A oh-hum tag team title Fatal 4-Way that saw The New Day winning
- Neville will be the main draw in a few years, he doesn't need to be in a gimmick tag team match.
Check out my YouTube channel.
If you didn't like the tag match and you weren't satisfied with The New Day winning the belts... you ain't American!
I also felt the Jon Stewart run-in really didn't work well for the match.

We all knew Rollins was going to win dirty, but in my opinion they should have just had him knee Cena in the face and hit him with a pedigree to win.

Rollins stole the show and really showed that he was the best entertainer on the roster, but the fact that Rollins showed so many different big moves and Cena kicked out after them all was counterintuitive.

Again, I know Rollins had to win dirty, but if you're going to let him steal the show like that don't blow it with a run-in by a celebrity...
zaga_fan Wrote:If you didn't like the tag match and you weren't satisfied with The New Day winning the belts... you ain't American!

zaga_fan Wrote:I also felt the Jon Stewart run-in really didn't work well for the match.

We all knew Rollins was going to win dirty, but in my opinion they should have just had him knee Cena in the face and hit him with a pedigree to win.

Rollins stole the show and really showed that he was the best entertainer on the roster, but the fact that Rollins showed so many different big moves and Cena kicked out after them all was counterintuitive.

Again, I know Rollins had to win dirty, but if you're going to let him steal the show like that don't blow it with a run-in by a celebrity...

The New Day is a JOKE. If they are gonna let this 'stable' continue, they need to add a black female and at least one more black male. They are too funny to be 'heels' and too goofy to be took serious. Nobody wants a funny heel. If they are gonna stay heels, they need to be dirty. And not winning by outside interference..... but by getting legit 'Heat'.

Jon Stewart had the weakest chair shot in the history of pro wrestling.

Rollins is a GREAT PERFORMER... there is no question about that. Maybe the best on the current roster. We all knew he was gonna win and we all knew he was going to win dirty. But a run-in by a non-wrestler that changed the outcome of a huge match at a PPV was terrible. Maybe if Jon Stewart gave Rollins a 'foreign object' or distracted the referee, that would have been way better.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:The New Day is a JOKE. If they are gonna let this 'stable' continue, they need to add a black female and at least one more black male. They are too funny to be 'heels' and too goofy to be took serious. Nobody wants a funny heel. If they are gonna stay heels, they need to be dirty. And not winning by outside interference..... but by getting legit 'Heat'.

Jon Stewart had the weakest chair shot in the history of pro wrestling.

Rollins is a GREAT PERFORMER... there is no question about that. Maybe the best on the current roster. We all knew he was gonna win and we all knew he was going to win dirty. But a run-in by a non-wrestler that changed the outcome of a huge match at a PPV was terrible. Maybe if Jon Stewart gave Rollins a 'foreign object' or distracted the referee, that would have been way better.

They're smart heels and they win dirty all the time.

Xavier Woods is hilarious and one of the best talkers on the roster.

IMO they have been GOLD for the last few months and they lost the belts too quick.

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