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02-05-2014, 12:50 PM
Thank you zaga!!!
If one of mine perpetuated this, I'd go straight for their vein. No computer, no car, no cell phone until they could prove to me that they had grown up beyond 3rd grade. This is nothing less than malicious bullying, and I really really hate bullies!!!
However, if this happened to one of mine, I would encourage them to ignore it and do everything (how little that might be) to keep them from responding. Normally, the more you respond to this BS, the more you validate it. If it continued to happen, the parents of those responsible should be confronted, and if no action; then authorities. Bullying is now a crime, as I understand.
Now if, after all of this, it continued, I would be tempted to turn mine loose on them. I know that's not going to be a popular choice, but if nobody else could stop them, I guarantee you my boys and girls could do the job.
If one of mine perpetuated this, I'd go straight for their vein. No computer, no car, no cell phone until they could prove to me that they had grown up beyond 3rd grade. This is nothing less than malicious bullying, and I really really hate bullies!!!
However, if this happened to one of mine, I would encourage them to ignore it and do everything (how little that might be) to keep them from responding. Normally, the more you respond to this BS, the more you validate it. If it continued to happen, the parents of those responsible should be confronted, and if no action; then authorities. Bullying is now a crime, as I understand.
Now if, after all of this, it continued, I would be tempted to turn mine loose on them. I know that's not going to be a popular choice, but if nobody else could stop them, I guarantee you my boys and girls could do the job.
02-05-2014, 03:10 PM
The main victim in this whole thing was the Leslie County's Superintendent's daughter. They trashed her all over Twitter. Then a Sayre student wrote an apologetic letter hoping things would die down. They have and will not & this matter will be taken up by the KHSAA. I mean look at the things the Sayre student said in the picture. Horrible!
02-05-2014, 04:57 PM
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I believe your prejudice toward the privates is showing. The overwhelming number of private schools are associated with religious institutions. Sayre is not. Don't judge the others by Sayre. Sayre, though dripping in money, is much more like the "well to do" publics than it is like other privates.
I do believe that not all private, religious or not, are snobby institutions but to say that the negative behavior is relegated to public schools and non-religious affiliated private schools is also not true. I used to live in Lexington and started going to watch Lexington Catholic boys and girls play because they had the best programs. One night they were playing Tates Creek and the Lex Cath student section continually yelled "you will work for us" and against Bryan Station they yelled "you can't afford us" and "you're on welfare". That is when I started following Henry Clay instead.
02-05-2014, 07:30 PM
I'm sure the Sayre parents will put their kids in "timeout".
02-05-2014, 08:54 PM grand daughter cheered for Henry Clay for 4 years. You should've heard what they said to Scott County!!! I always went to the HC / SC games because I love to watch Billy Hicks on the sideline. He's the most animated coach I have ever seen. HC fans would really give them heck!! Of course Scott Co would do just the same!
02-05-2014, 10:45 PM
Granny Bear Wrote:Thank you zaga!!!
If one of mine perpetuated this, I'd go straight for their vein. No computer, no car, no cell phone until they could prove to me that they had grown up beyond 3rd grade. This is nothing less than malicious bullying, and I really really hate bullies!!!
However, if this happened to one of mine, I would encourage them to ignore it and do everything (how little that might be) to keep them from responding. Normally, the more you respond to this BS, the more you validate it. If it continued to happen, the parents of those responsible should be confronted, and if no action; then authorities. Bullying is now a crime, as I understand.
Now if, after all of this, it continued, I would be tempted to turn mine loose on them. I know that's not going to be a popular choice, but if nobody else could stop them, I guarantee you my boys and girls could do the job.
This did not happen when you got the crap beat out of you.
02-06-2014, 06:13 AM
Granny Bear grand daughter cheered for Henry Clay for 4 years. You should've heard what they said to Scott County!!! I always went to the HC / SC games because I love to watch Billy Hicks on the sideline. He's the most animated coach I have ever seen. HC fans would really give them heck!! Of course Scott Co would do just the same!
I agree. One of the reasons I picked Henry Clay was I lived across the road from the school not that I felt like it was morally superior. I just don't like comments that play off of being snobby or an over-exaggerated sense of self worth.
02-06-2014, 06:48 AM
Flicka Wrote:This did not happen when you got the crap beat out of you.
I don't understand what you're saying, Flicka.
02-06-2014, 10:03 AM
This was released last week.
Quote:“The KHSAA has received information relative to alleged unsporting acts and comments made by representatives of the girls’ basketball team at Sayre High School following its game with Leslie County High School on Wednesday. As a sanctioned game under the limitation of seasons of the KHSAA, this potential violation of KHSAA Bylaw 15 would involve the Association. However, after our initial review and conversation with representatives of Sayre, we are confident that the administration of both schools and school systems are aggressively reviewing the incident and until we have final reports of their actions, will allow the process to continue at the local school level.”
-Julian Tackett
KHSAA Commissioner
02-06-2014, 10:13 AM
I would love to hear your opinion of that statement, zaga.
02-06-2014, 10:38 AM
Granny Bear Wrote:I would love to hear your opinion of that statement, zaga.
I think it's the safe thing to do.
Let the schools handle it and if you don't like how they deal with it then you can drop the hammer afterward.
02-06-2014, 10:52 AM
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I do believe that not all private, religious or not, are snobby institutions but to say that the negative behavior is relegated to public schools and non-religious affiliated private schools is also not true. I used to live in Lexington and started going to watch Lexington Catholic boys and girls play because they had the best programs. One night they were playing Tates Creek and the Lex Cath student section continually yelled "you will work for us" and against Bryan Station they yelled "you can't afford us" and "you're on welfare". That is when I started following Henry Clay instead.
Really? I too resides in Lex and in walking distance to Lafayette HS and Lex Cath. I have watched numerous basketball games at Lafayette, Station, Dunbar, Lex Cath and all the city schools private and public. I heard all the different chant that the student section yell out to the others. Why just single out what Lex Cath or private schools chants? Have you not heard what the others chant? I have hear chants like " We thrown hands " which means they want to fist fight instead. " Meet us later " which mean they will fight. How about " Santa's Helper " to a short ball player on the court. I also heard a bunch of time Tate Creeks would chant out " You are ugly " to a particular player on the court... So really bro? Your going to single out private schools chant? All the schools chant, yell and the respond with some creative ways. Its a reaction to what the other student section yells out. Thats all. Cause in the end everyone leaves the gym. Some students interact cause they know or firends with each other. So please don't go there, I have watch or been to more games that you. You claim your now a Henry Clay fan. Have you not gone up to Scott Co and listen to what their student section chants again their district rivals Henry Clay or Bryan Station? Or maybe you didn't know they were in the same dictrict.... you my friend is Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success HATERS!
02-06-2014, 12:12 PM
I agree that it is the safe thing to do. But WHERE would you drop that hammer, if you choose to do so? I think it's a little bit like passing the responsibility buck.
zaga_fan Wrote:I think it's the safe thing to do.
Let the schools handle it and if you don't like how they deal with it then you can drop the hammer afterward.
I agree that it is the safe thing to do. But WHERE would you drop that hammer, if you choose to do so? I think it's a little bit like passing the responsibility buck.
02-06-2014, 12:26 PM
Deal with it administratively ( ie. suspension of players, coaches or whomever participated in the actions ) and if all the texting or tweeting continue, then file charges for Harassing Communication.
02-06-2014, 12:39 PM
FBfan4life Wrote:Really? I too resides in Lex and in walking distance to Lafayette HS and Lex Cath. I have watched numerous basketball games at Lafayette, Station, Dunbar, Lex Cath and all the city schools private and public. I heard all the different chant that the student section yell out to the others. Why just single out what Lex Cath or private schools chants? Have you not heard what the others chant? I have hear chants like " We thrown hands " which means they want to fist fight instead. " Meet us later " which mean they will fight. How about " Santa's Helper " to a short ball player on the court. I also heard a bunch of time Tate Creeks would chant out " You are ugly " to a particular player on the court... So really bro? Your going to single out private schools chant? All the schools chant, yell and the respond with some creative ways. Its a reaction to what the other student section yells out. Thats all. Cause in the end everyone leaves the gym. Some students interact cause they know or firends with each other. So please don't go there, I have watch or been to more games that you. You claim your now a Henry Clay fan. Have you not gone up to Scott Co and listen to what their student section chants again their district rivals Henry Clay or Bryan Station? Or maybe you didn't know they were in the same dictrict.... you my friend is Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success HATERS!
Calling someone short with a chant is a little more playful than telling other kids that they aren't going to accomplish as much in their career as you.
02-06-2014, 12:51 PM
zaga_fan Wrote:Calling someone short with a chant is a little more playful than telling other kids that they aren't going to accomplish as much in their career as you.
With the cradle genaration and society that we have now a days.. That is bullying! Calling someone short or ugly... I forgot to mention the chant " You are fat ".. has been heard several times. So Sir... do you the condoned those statement? Wanting to fight after the game, calling out a player short, ugly and fat compare to chants of accomplishisment? Yelling " Flip my burgers " is more a playful chant but not singling out a player.
02-06-2014, 01:12 PM
My 2 cents are in. Thanks for letting me participate on this topic.
02-06-2014, 01:33 PM
FBfan4life Wrote:With the cradle genaration and society that we have now a days.. That is bullying! Calling someone short or ugly... I forgot to mention the chant " You are fat ".. has been heard several times. So Sir... do you the condoned those statement? Wanting to fight after the game, calling out a player short, ugly and fat compare to chants of accomplishisment? Yelling " Flip my burgers " is more a playful chant but not singling out a player.
I think "you are fat" is a terrible chant.
I wouldn't condone that, "flip my burgers" or "you'll work for us"
02-06-2014, 01:34 PM
FBfan4life Wrote:My 2 cents are in. Thanks for letting me participate on this topic.
Keep going!
No need to run off.
02-06-2014, 01:53 PM
I can't get anybody to fight with me anymore! sigh
02-06-2014, 07:01 PM
I remember back in the late 90's when social media didn't exist and kids were still bullies over games. Paintsville would send an open letter of "top ten" insults to Sheldon Clark before the district basketball tournament and spread them around the parking lot on the student's cars. The fights this started was crazy! These days it is a lot easier for kids to hide behind a computer and be mean. This is nothing new. Just with the internet more attention is given to the matter. Regardless it isn't right and Sayre needs to make a public apology.
02-07-2014, 09:30 AM
NOTHING...and I mean NOTHING, will come of this. I hope Sayre never wins anything, hell I'll even pull for Model over Sayre and that's awful for me to say that. Like I said the KHSAA staff sends there kids to Sayre (the ones that live in central KY) so this will be swept under the rug.
02-11-2014, 12:28 PM
Any new word?...I don't want this post to die...what's up?
02-11-2014, 12:54 PM
Nothing in the local papers (yes I've been checking), or on the KHSAA site. I know they probably can't be involved, but I was just snooping around.
02-11-2014, 01:54 PM
Granny Bear Wrote:Nothing in the local papers (yes I've been checking), or on the KHSAA site. I know they probably can't be involved, but I was just snooping around.
Granny...even though we compete in the same football district...You Harlan peeps are "A okay" in my book!
02-11-2014, 02:12 PM
You know Farristown, I've met some wonderful folks through BGR. I'm very thankful to have been a part of this little web site!!
Now, if we can just get shed of Stardust, we might be able to stand Gut!!!
Now, if we can just get shed of Stardust, we might be able to stand Gut!!!

02-15-2014, 08:19 AM
Heard from a friend this morning who is a class A coach said KHSAA found no wrong doing on Sayre's part!!! Leslie county fans you all should be outraged.
02-15-2014, 01:08 PM
FarristownFlyer Wrote:Heard from a friend this morning who is a class A coach said KHSAA found no wrong doing on Sayre's part!!! Leslie county fans you all should be outraged.
Are you talking about what happened on the court or what's being said or passed on tweeter or FB? If it is the altercation on the court, yeah that is KHSAA investigation. If it's the tweeting or FB junk, well that is up to the school administration to hand out consequences ie. school suspension, game suspension etc.. and if the school decides not to punished these players, well that's on them. Like I said before, if the teasing and harassing continues on tweeter or FB and no one is doing anything about it. File criminal charges for " Harassing Communication ".
02-15-2014, 01:11 PM
FarristownFlyer Wrote:Heard from a friend this morning who is a class A coach said KHSAA found no wrong doing on Sayre's part!!! Leslie county fans you all should be outraged.
I also noticed that you year things A LOT from 3rd party. I saw that you also posted something on the football thread... Stating that " You heard " that a certain coach is not interested in coaching. I say get info from the horses mouth. No gissip or rumors. That way there will be no MISUNDERSTANDING.
02-15-2014, 04:34 PM
Need to schedule a rematch on the basketball court at Leslie County. That would take care of any lingering doubts.
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