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Powell 16 Phelps 12
11in a role is pretty harsh i don't think i've ever ever seen that
no matter how you slice it, something smells fishy about 80 yards worth of penalties in 11 straight plays.... forget how many there were in the rest of the game.... something was up there!
Camper Wrote:11in a role is pretty harsh i don't think i've ever ever seen that

Think he is exgraterating...I will find out tomorrow how many it was and post.
He is just trying to degrade Powell his posts....
Someone explain something to me.... Phelps loses in Pike County bowl and then it becomes, fold the football program, they get the shaft in Powell County and its "quit making excuses". What's the problem here? These are good kids that deserve as much respect as yours.... suck it up and admit that all the kids deserve acknowledgment and go on.... get over it, even if people do have to cheat to win!
I have read all his posts!!!! Sounds pretty good to me!!!
phs1986 Wrote:I have read all his posts!!!! Sounds pretty good to me!!!
On degrading another team, or supporting your team.
Supporting Phelps.... I don't believe in degrading kids PERIOD!!! and from the way I am reading, he isn't degrading the kids... he is giving the ref's hell though!!! LOLOL...
Alright, Gold... let's face facts, that game was a farce.... look that word up.... FARCE.... win or lose, don't CHEAT kids....
can't make excuses for losing but..11 in a row is pretty unheard of
i wasnt there but im glad i wasnt....with all those flags being thrown, im surprised the game is even over, lol...congrats Powell though
Bottom line,
Not 1 time did I degrade any kid on this thing. Lil' Goldy is simply trying to take the facts away from the whole point. Even ole' Stroked, Who claims he played in this fiasco last night for Powell said he didn't even think all the calls were fair and some were "Sketchy".( Like I said claimed). Your a Powell defender, You never compliment any other team, Only Powell. I have no ties with Betsy lane or Phelps, But I complimented Betsy lane, Even complimented Maggoffin on their win last night.
PHS95 was at the game Lil' Goldy , Funny thing he has the same out-look I do and I just listened to the 2nd half. Not just me Lil' Goldy, Not just me pal. So you get the win at all costs, WELL CONGRATS Lil' Goldy. I personally have never ever heard such a half of football. You even went as far as to get off the subject and talk about the Phelp's coach tackling a Phelp's player. See, All you are is a derversion guy, Who avoids the question at hand and puts up a blind to hide the facts. No matter what you say or do I know what I heard last night and I feel bad today for those kids at Phelps. NOT JUST ME LIL' GOLDY and you wont convince PHS95 , Who was there or Phs1986, Who has family on the team. When I'm driving home from a game and here a team get 11 flags in a row, I'm saing to myself, " What in the hell, I can't believe this crap!" Quote, Say what you will Lil' Goldy, I know what I heard and theses other people know what they saw. Now Lil' Goldy is going to go get the Powell stats( key-word Powell) and It is supposed to give a depliction of how many penalties both teams had. I bet he's still waiting as we speak for someone to let him in their field house to get his hands on it. He's like plankton trying to secretly steal the crabby-patty recipe(lol). That ole Powell stat book wont have nor explain the 11 in a row on Phelps, Not to mention the other 4 or 5 times Phelps was on the 30 and mysteriously went backwards past the 50. No matter what you say or supposedly type, THEIR IS NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING THAT CAN JUSTIFY 11 FLAGS IN A ROW.
im the fullback for phelps i no how all this went down i was there closer than any of yall who oppose and im gonna tell yea everytime we takled some one thr was a face mask call everytime we blocked som one the was a holdin call and for offense i watched my players who was right n front of me and notice that for some reason we got called for jumping offside more than 5 time wen i saw no one jump you tell me fair game? for the kid who got tackled by the coach thats the only way of keeping him from beating the living hell out of the refs and the other team. i mean i wasnt n on all this i was buissy trying to have my teams back and calm them down and thats hard to do coming into the game with a "f"ed "up ankle and play pn it lik that so u wanna tlk bout heart half my team was hurt and still whos has the heart? and for the refs i think that dang flag was juss fallin out of there pocket cause it seemed lik everytime we done any thing it wasnt right...illegal motion how can u call that wen weve done the same thing last season and nothing was said me no not a fair game at all ...and yea ill down grade powell cause they was a dirty team everytime i was n a pill up thr was pintching ,punching and twisting of body parts now tell me would u get mad...............and any who oppose me hell wit yall i was n the game i played so u wouldnt no!!!!!!!!!!
You guys didn't deserve that man. Good luck rest of the year#2 and people get offended-BUT THE TRUTH OFFENDS IS THE BOTTOM LINE-and Phelps or no other team deserves to to lose like that. Phelps runs a double wing, Which brings deep motion before every snap. Every time a wing came in motion, They got flagged. RIDICULOUS!
No way can that infamous 11 plays, 11 flags be justified. NO WAY AND LIL' GOLDY WILL TRY TO DO SOME SHARP LAWYERING AND TRY TO CONVICE US ALL TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT OR BRING OUT HIS DOUBLE-NOTT SPY SECRET STAT BOOK FROM POWELL CO. Belfry, Pburg, Shelby V, Betsy L, Phelps, Don't matter, Any team gets that many flags in a row, Pisses me off and NO TEAM DESERVES THAT, NO TEAM.
Like I said a call here or there even a call that possibly determines a game i can take, That's the breaks! No excuses If you lose a game because of a personal fowl or a clip that kills you on field position. BUT TO FLAG A TEAM THAT MANY TIMES IN A ROW IS A SCANDAL. How does the kids from Phelps feel after having the carpet jerked right out from under them. Im sorry but I just can't give congrats to a team I feel didn't win the game, But all this other crap cost another a win. If Powell won that game with no 11 flags in a row, Congrats to Powell. But under the situation that happened, I'm not buying it at all. I counted round 30 flags in the 2nd half, That's what I counted listening to the 2nd half on the radio comming back from Western-Breathitt. Ok, That's what I got from Powell's own radio station and people who were there support this fact. Mabey, I'm just a bad freakin counter, Who knows? But people and players from Powell and Phelps support this fact.Unless your Powell radio announcers called it wrong, I HEARD( for goldy and his hearing aid) 11 first downs flagged on Phelps and moved them way,way,way,back. Now people on here are supporting this fact.
That's the way I heard it, That's the way they saw it. NO WAY CAN THAT BE JUSTIFIED,NO WAY LIL'GOLDY PIRATE. NO KID FROM ANY TEAM IN THIS STATE DESERVES TO GET THAT KIND OF TREATMENT. EVEN A SUPPOSEDLY CLAIMING POWELL PLAYER SAID " THE CALLS WERE SKETCHY( has to mean bad) and that Phelps didn't deserve all of them they got. Have to talk loud ,Sorry, Lil' Goldy has his hearing aid off right now. Hold your heads up Phelps, Score don't show it but you guys are winners. WHAT COMES ROUND GOES ROUND! I HOPE SOMEONE FROM WEST CARTER IS FOLLOWING THIS POST. Lil Goldy, Hope you feel good today buddy.
im just going to agree with the last few post because i don't feel like reading that much.
this is the biggest disgrace ive heard in a LONG time. 11 flags in a row? and i thought our game last night was poorly called. Its ok Phelps. Your all's time will come to play Powell again, and when you do. Stick it to them.
That's the way I heard it on the radio, People who were actually there talk like it was worse than even what I heard. Now unless It was taped and was set on repeat(LOl)
It was the most flags I ever heard in a game, Ever. I just tell it the way I heard it.
Move on Phelps, Get ready for this week, You guys can play with South Foyd also.
Good luck
I am #20 from Phelps, & I was very upset by the way our game was called during the 4th Quater. The calling within the fourth quater was just ridiculus, flag after flag after flag. I felt we had the game won, we could have ran the clock out with some ball control, but the ref's called a flag on EVERY running play, it was insane. We couldn't get any first downs due to the flags and we ended up in Powell's end zone (on two offensive drives) and I was forced to punt the ball. It's just sickening to think about.
phs1986 Wrote:I hate it for those kids. Can't say much for the coach after the stunt he pulled yesterday with the Jr. High team but those kids (high school) have been working hard!!! You can't beat 13 or 14 players..... Thanks for the update Mr. Football!!!

What happened to the Jr high team? just courious...thanks 86
Phelps' boys need to keep their heads up.... IMO... a win you have to cheat to get isn't worthy of congratulations or "bragging rights"!!!!
wavefan Wrote:What happened to the Jr high team? just courious...thanks 86

AH... just a little situtation with him cancelling a game the Jr. High had and then wouldn't let them on the field to practice.... it's being handled though!!!
i only follow several teams, and i know when people get screwed. phelps they did not get screwed. they had a lead and they lost it. im not sure on how amny penalties they had on the last drive but when you have 2 i will say it again 2 PEOPLE go in motion at the same time, that is illegal. you guys and girls who follow football should know this. this happend a couple times in that drive. they had i think it was 1 or 2 illegal block in the back calls. they had a few illegal substitution calls as well did powell, jumping off sides and illegal block in the back was why they had to move the ball back, personal fouls in football are 15 yard penalties, offsides are 5 and if you do that a number of times you will get 80 yards in one drive. powell also had the exact same calls called on them. on a punt they was a illegal formation called on powell. there was no cheating going on. the fourth quarter did get ugly on both sides of the ball. both teams did play hard. and i dont know how many of phelps' players were hurt but for powell we had our injuries of our own. guys with ankel problems, back problems, knee problems and when you have guys hitting them in the back illegally and they still get up, that shows heart. everyone who plays injured has heart. on either team. as for the flags and everything in the lasy quarter goes, what happend happend. if you want to know how powell does go to the games and stop listening to the radio and you will know what happens.
I guess its easy for someone from Powell County to justify the FARCE that took place at your place last night.... Your boys played hard, congrats, but the refs played harder for you.... I guess they are who we really need to be congratulating, but, hey, this is Eastern Kentucky, a win is a win no matter how you had to get it!
No...honestly u must have been listening to the wrong game because Phelps did not have 11 penalties in a row...that is rediculous. I believe the Powell County "D" stepped it up and kept Phelps out of the endzone...Remember they use to have the number 1 defense in the state!!

Congrats to the players from Powell...hard fought win for the Pirates
I'm a sophmore and #2 for powell co, the quarterback and free safety and phelps did get alot of penalties but the illegal motion calls were true because standing at free safety I seen the ball carrier and the lead blocker move before the ball was snapped.We played real hard and deserved this win and phelps played a good game except for the few that wanted to display poor sportmanship and the late hits were ridiculas. I was getting mad at that because someone good get hurt when they are running over to help the ball carrier up and out of nowere someone blind sides them after the whistle.I also got hit after I threw alot but it was ok cauz i still completed the TD pass.But other than that i think whoever came up with the 11 penalties in a row is exaggerating alot because there wasnt 11 penelties in a row. I recall three penalties and then a bad snap on a punt and we tackled the dude on their 10.But phelps played a good game and the refs did a great job and they prolly wouldnt have called it as close if they wouldnt have tried to fight everytime we hit them or made a good play.They need to develop some sportmanship.After I ran in the game winning touchdown, #24 tried to hit me while I was looking for the ref to hand the ball to.But congrats to powell and phelps got made and left and missed some good pizza and some nice shirts lol but good luck to powell and phelps for the rest of the year.
yea but the pizza sucked so im still not happy.....awfully bad called game an lik said b 4 i was playin in it so i no and the ppl who say other wise"well u no wat i wanna say without me sayin it"...yea we still done great playin both powell and the refs example steven sullivan only had 3 days n the qb position an it was lik he was born for it russell johnson always been a good running back.....and our line fanominal bloking that game best ive ever seen ................but its over n done so cant say much but "we got screwed royalie"
Hey Phelps#2.... I know you!!!!! LOLOLOL.... :Thumbs:
dude u guys screwed yalls self by talkin back to the ref and trying to start fights and o yea #20 i think i remember knocking u out a couple of times so quit making excuses it wont get ya nowere
i mean #2 i dont kno becauz i knocked so many off yall out
and our line did awsome and that was juss my 3rd game as quarterback and this is my first year of football in my life so thats not an excuse and i threw a touchdown and ran in the game winner

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