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Are first round playoff games necessary? (This Weeks Playoff Format Rant)
1st round games are good for getting the 2nd and 3rd stringers ready just in case they are needed, at least for 99% of the 1 seeds.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

:howdy:the reward for being a #1 seed is you get to play a #4 seed.thats football not ping pong.personaly i think every teams should get a shot or just take the top 2 teams in each districts.should not be no bye.teams why would it be fair for #2 seeds to play a #3 seeds :what:an take on injury an i never want to see nobody get hurt playing football but it happen then the #1 seeds team get the advantage that wouldn't be fair.Last i hear they still gives trophy to District champs an runner up regional champs trophy an runner up an state runner up trophy and the BIG ONE STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS TROPHY now thats as fair as its gets.signing off on this subject 64SURConfusedmoke:
Its pretty simple.
Some 4 Seeds win.
Its that simple.

Quit whining, especially when it effects nothing except the fact we get another week of football.
Im glad you all want to shorten the season, but i sure dont.
True most #4 seeds get blasted. Sometimes the 4 seed is a team that has never made playoffs or hasn't been in a long time, It's quite an experience for some young men that worked hard all year. It also gives them something to work for the next year trying to build on the experience and be a 1 or 2 seed and host a Playoff Game. Not to mention they get to practice a Week longer.
I think it's better these kids get a chance for themselves not the fans.
No matter what the outcome is.
You take risk getting hurt all season. That's football.
And when it counts the most to them you think they shouldn't play.
Another thing most schools wouldn't get most funds if these kids didn't play their heart out on Friday nights.
Don't care if it's old, don't care if it's all been said before. It's still RIGHT.


There is simply NO justification for 4 playoff berths per district. NONE.
There is no underpinning, no RATIONAL reason for continuing this farce.
Pointing out that maybe 5% of 4th seeds have beaten a #1 while this
format is in place is A. laughable, and B. simply the accident of alignment.

Trying to claim it's a reward for those 4th place teams is ASSININE.
Getting to take a long bus ride, to get your brains beat out, likely on
a freezing November night, is NOT a reward.

And NO, nobody makes money on this round. Travelling schools have
to fork over expenses for another game when schools and programs are pressed for every dime. Host schools for lots of teams, have less than impressive crowds because they know the REAL games start next week,
but they have the same expense cost, light bill, clean up maintenance
etc., that most everyone TOTALLY NEGLECTS when they point to
ticket sales.

For #1 seeds it usually provides a meaningless game they cannot lose,
but still offers a chance for a devastating injury to a key player(s).
Provides an opportunity for players to go half speed and lose the intensity they need for meaningful games. And in some cases probably gins up
unwarranted overconfidence for the coming weeks.

With rare exceptions such as this year, it also pushes the playoffs in to
December with ever worsening weather. And WASTES the IDEAL situation
of having the championship weekend on Thanksgiving which provides
the OPTIMAL time for attendance. People state wide are having 4 day weekends, with an open day on Friday with no need to blow off work or
school to attend games.

And of course it continues to compress the basketbal season that
just keeps getting squeezed. The regular season ends on Feb. 15 for

So disagree if you want, you don't have a leg to stand on. We had the ideal situation for years, district winners and runnersup, with the playoffs
ending at Thanksgiving. And we can easily and quickly go back to it
if the KHSAA would just use a LITTLE COMMON SENSE.
Observing Wrote:Don't care if it's old, don't care if it's all been said before. It's still RIGHT.


There is simply NO justification for 4 playoff berths per district. NONE.
There is no underpinning, no RATIONAL reason for continuing this farce.
Pointing out that maybe 5% of 4th seeds have beaten a #1 while this
format is in place is A. laughable, and B. simply the accident of alignment.

Trying to claim it's a reward for those 4th place teams is ASSININE.
Getting to take a long bus ride, to get your brains beat out, likely on
a freezing November night, is NOT a reward.

And NO, nobody makes money on this round. Travelling schools have
to fork over expenses for another game when schools and programs are pressed for every dime. Host schools for lots of teams, have less than impressive crowds because they know the REAL games start next week,
but they have the same expense cost, light bill, clean up maintenance
etc., that most everyone TOTALLY NEGLECTS when they point to
ticket sales.

For #1 seeds it usually provides a meaningless game they cannot lose,
but still offers a chance for a devastating injury to a key player(s).
Provides an opportunity for players to go half speed and lose the intensity they need for meaningful games. And in some cases probably gins up
unwarranted overconfidence for the coming weeks.

With rare exceptions such as this year, it also pushes the playoffs in to
December with ever worsening weather. And WASTES the IDEAL situation
of having the championship weekend on Thanksgiving which provides
the OPTIMAL time for attendance. People state wide are having 4 day weekends, with an open day on Friday with no need to blow off work or
school to attend games.

And of course it continues to compress the basketbal season that
just keeps getting squeezed. The regular season ends on Feb. 15 for

So disagree if you want, you don't have a leg to stand on. We had the ideal situation for years, district winners and runnersup, with the playoffs
ending at Thanksgiving. And we can easily and quickly go back to it
if the KHSAA would just use a LITTLE COMMON SENSE.

I would reather get my brainsbeat in then not to play listin to yourself 3rd seed holy cross lost to 2rd seed lloyd by a point ur way they wouldnt be in the playoff or what about conner,cooper,scott three way tie that would just be plain wrong dude
So in your opinion 9-1 Cooper, widely regarded as either the #5 or #6 team in 5A... whose lone loss came on the road at #4 Conner... should be sitting at home with their season over?
man you sure have stated your opinion and i can understand but these are highschool kids let them play football if khsaa wants it this way its fine with me yeah the 4 seed more than likely not going to win but im sure somewere it has happen
hey observing you basically said its pointless that a 4seed playing a 1 seed out of their district ok check it out #4 seed middlesboro @ #1 seed prestonsburg now yeah pburg of course will be favorite but for a 4 seed pburg might have there hands full thats why its called playoffs any team can win
There happen to be some very good first round match ups in 3A.

You suit up to play. One of the Fultons had a first round game against Holy Cross in Louisville. They probably had to pass the hat to raise gas money for the bus and meals. But they went. Hart County came all the way to Tilghman last year for a first round game. Probably had 15 -25 fans. And they played. Got beat, and came home. Don't suit up if you don't want to play.
rebel 4 life Wrote:I would reather get my brainsbeat in then not to play listin to yourself 3rd seed holy cross lost to 2rd seed lloyd by a point ur way they wouldnt be in the playoff or what about conner,cooper,scott three way tie that would just be plain wrong dude

EKUAlum05 Wrote:So in your opinion 9-1 Cooper, widely regarded as either the #5 or #6 team in 5A... whose lone loss came on the road at #4 Conner... should be sitting at home with their season over?

Like I said, it's the EXCEEDINGLY RARE ANAMOLY, that in NO WAY
disproves the point.
You think playing the championship on thanksgiving weekend would be best :please: most people have other stuff planned with it being the kick off of the Holliday season. I love the 4 team format it's great for the kids an it gives them a chance to do things that they may have never done before. So if its not broke don't fix it just leave it alone. :welcome:
There should only be 4 classes and the decent teams being left out problem would be solved.
There are already threads about this!
Avery Bullock Wrote:Is it just me or does anyone else agree that the games of the first round of the playoffs are a joke? It's a shame that teams like Williamsburg (I'm a Jacket fan so I get to list them first), Mayfield, Raceland, Bowling Green, Trinity and others have to risk injury to play these games. It's just as shameful to make teams like Jenkins, Allen Central, Caverna, Apollo and GRC act as cannon fodder in these mismatches.

If the Jackets were 4-6 and Jenkins was 9-1, I would see no point in loading up the bus and wasting gas money to drive to Jenkins to see our kids get their teeth knocked in. In most cases it's pointless and a waste of school funds that could be spent in any number of ways.

Some of you will say that the first round does produce some upsets and that's all well and good. I root for the underdog most of the time myself, but for every 8 seed Villanova that wins a national championship there are a dozen 1 or 2 seeds who crush every opponent in the tournament and cruise to the title.

Would anyone be willing to place a $100 bill on any of the five underdogs I mentioned? How about if I put up $1,000 against your $100? Any takers? In other words, does anybody have a $100 bill they want to lose for sure?

The system needs to be revamped. It would save time, money and most of all it would decrease the risk of injury to the kids.

I made a similar post to this one this morning, that has mysteriously disappeared. And you are SO CORRECT.

The OVERWHELMING mountain of evidence, and ALL LOGIC AND REASON
say that we should eliminate 4 berths per district playoffs. The ONLY
"reasons" you get in favor of it are personal emotional attatchements to particular teams, and the only "evidence" you for it is the TINY sampling
of anamolous wins by lower seeds. And those are almost without
exception simply accidents of ALIGMNENT, where the better teams all
reside within one district, and the 4 seed winners STILL can't compete
with their own district winner. Really, what reasonable case can be made
for a team that couldn't beat the 3 other teams in their district?

I personally favor eliminating the 3 and 4 seeds and getting on with it.
But even eliminating the 4 seeds, adn starting with 2-3 matchups with
1's getting byes would be an improvement, and would cut out the week
that gets the finals back to Thanksgiving weekend on a regular basis.

And you hit the nail squarely on the head with the costs, and the needless humiliation of the vast majority of #4 seeds. And the injury risk in meaningless games. And what kind of "reward" is it to kids who may have
worked an sweated thur 4 years of football to have their last memory
of h.s. football be a buttwhooping in cold miserable weather with a
4 hour round trip bus ride?
I propose this. Keep the 6 classes, and only the top 3 teams from each district make the playoffs. Then 2 would play 3 across district lines with the #1 team in each district receiving a bye for the first round. Then you wouldn't have those #1's blowing out
#4 seeds and you give a #1 seed the bye week an added incentive to win your district.
:nope::nope::nope: bye games :igiveup:
Hello, You play to win the game!!

Its not over till the fat lady sings!

Wasn't Paducah Tilghman a 3 or 4 and took the title home a few years ago?
The traveling team does not have to pay the travel expenses. Those costs and host team expenses come off the top of the gate. What is left is split.

Personally I don't care if a 4 seed beats a 1 seed once in a 1,000 attempts. The joy and emotions that those kids on that one 4 seed team experience makes it worth it to me. And something to think about: the coaches strongly supported having the top 4 seeds advance. I'm quite confident if all those players on those 3 and 4 seeds hated the experience of getting beat badly; if the coaches of those teams didn't want to make the long, miserable bus rides; and if the coaches who get paid almost pennies per hour to coach didn't really want to have just one more week with their players at the expense of being away from their families another week, the coaching community wouldn't have pushed for 4 teams to advance.

If you don't want to see a likely blow out, then you shouldn't go to the game. High school athletics is not, repeat not, about the fans anyway. I'd hate to deprive any senior that loves the game of football one last opportunity to play the sport he loves. That's true about football and every other sport. But because football is such a tough and demanding sport, I think those kids that play it have a special passion for the game. Letting them play just one more football game is all the justification I need for the current system.
panther nation Wrote:You think playing the championship on thanksgiving weekend would be best :please: most people have other stuff planned with it being the kick off of the Holliday season. I love the 4 team format it's great for the kids an it gives them a chance to do things that they may have never done before. So if its not broke don't fix it just leave it alone. :welcome:

Ah, but you see, it's just been CAREFULLY and CLEARLY explained to
you why it is BADLY broken, and TRULY needs to be fixed.

And of course if you'r team is in the title game, you rearrange your
schedule no matter what. Having the title games on the holiday weekend
makes it so much easier as most people don't have to take off work
or school as they do the following weekend. Your case is the EXCEPTION.
And like EVERY argument against this logical reform, is viewed narrowly
from your persaonl perspective, NOT from a general perspective for
what is best for the majority. Or best for the sport.

And lastly, being a #4 seed most likely doesn't lead to any new
experience. It means you lost 3 games that have consequences, losing
ANOTHER one, BADLY in most cases, isn't something new.
charlie22 Wrote:The traveling team does not have to pay the travel expenses. Those costs and host team expenses come off the top of the gate. What is left is split.

Personally I don't care if a 4 seed beats a 1 seed once in a 1,000 attempts. The joy and emotions that those kids on that one 4 seed team experience makes it worth it to me. And something to think about: the coaches strongly supported having the top 4 seeds advance. I'm quite confident if all those players on those 3 and 4 seeds hated the experience of getting beat badly; if the coaches of those teams didn't want to make the long, miserable bus rides; and if the coaches who get paid almost pennies per hour to coach didn't really want to have just one more week with their players at the expense of being away from their families another week, the coaching community wouldn't have pushed for 4 teams to advance.

If you don't want to see a likely blow out, then you shouldn't go to the game. High school athletics is not, repeat not, about the fans anyway. I'd hate to deprive any senior that loves the game of football one last opportunity to play the sport he loves. That's true about football and every other sport. But because football is such a tough and demanding sport, I think those kids that play it have a special passion for the game. Letting them play just one more football game is all the justification I need for the current system.

Pretty sure the traveling team gets an expense allowance, it doesn't necessarily equal a reimbursement for it's full costs. Ditto hosts. And
despite most fans preference to see competitive games, it's for the
KIDS that I hate to see all the excessive blowouts. I HIGHLY doubt
the kids on the 1-9, 2-8 teams that already know they're going to
get their brains beat in, will feel shortchanged an "experience".
Seeing as the final week is reserved for non-district games, most
of those kids would have a MUCH better chance to end their careers
in amore competitive game, and have that as their final memory of
playing days.
64SUR Wrote::nope::nope::nope: bye games :igiveup:

There are ALREADY dozens of bye games. They just come with a chance
for injuries.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:There are already threads about this!

There are already thousands of threads about beating Obama on political
forums. they still need saying, and he still needs to be sent packing. And as
long as such a ridiculous format stays in place, people need to beat
the drum against it.
Wideleft01 Wrote:There should only be 4 classes and the decent teams being left out problem would be solved.

Much as I would also like to see class contraction too, NO decent
teams are being left out. The problem is too many teams that
aren't close to decent, are being left in.
ky football Wrote:hey observing you basically said its pointless that a 4seed playing a 1 seed out of their district ok check it out #4 seed middlesboro @ #1 seed prestonsburg now yeah pburg of course will be favorite but for a 4 seed pburg might have there hands full thats why its called playoffs any team can win

As I keep pointing out, that's just an accident of alignment, and they
will still be a hapless underdog to their own #1 seed in nearly every
case. AGAIN, pointing out the small number of exceptions doesn't
change the overall reality. This Saturday, check the 1 vs 4 scores.
Over half will be margins of 40+. 75% will be 30+. There will be
60, maybe even 70 point differentials, and not just the teams
Highlands and Trinity play.
I the way see it is there have been 3rd and 4rd to win state just sayin
rebel 4 life Wrote:I would reather get my brainsbeat in then not to play listin to yourself 3rd seed holy cross lost to 2rd seed lloyd by a point ur way they wouldnt be in the playoff or what about conner,cooper,scott three way tie that would just be plain wrong dude

Excuse me but WHY is that just wrong? Why is that any more wrong
than the simple fact that the are in fact a 3 seed now despite losing by
only one. I'm sure there's a #1 seed that won the clincher in OT,
so why isn't it just as wrong that the other team is the #2? And
if that's wrong, then how bout the handful of districts with more than
4 teams, is n't it just as wrong that the fifth place team that
lost to the 4th place team by a point is excluded? Your point is
DEVOID of logic.I believe I read that currently 88% off all teams
are included. So why in the world not just put them all in, how
does it make sense to exclude 12%? Getting a playoff berth
should MEAN something, not just the result of merely being in a

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