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What school has the nicest and which has the most obnoxious fans?
Highlands has the nicest fans.

Highlands has the most obnoxious fans.
Nicest: Russell takes the cake for me. Classiest fans I have witnessed either home or away. Prestonsburg hasn't been mentioned as far as I can tell, but they have a very good fanbase as well.

Most Obnoxious- I won't say it is their entire fanbase, but Breathitt County is the fanbase that I have witnessed the worst isolated incidents at the highest frequency. I will preface that as saying I have never heard of an issue with Breathitt fans outside of playing in Jackson, which strongly suggests it is usually someone just trying to start trouble as opposed to a true follower. Some Breathitt fans I have met are about as good as they can come as fans, it's just the bad apples are about as rotten as you can get.
I think a lot of Somerset fans and players had terrible experiences at holy cross last year. I know it was a huge playoff game, but damn we were treated like dirt!
Stardust Wrote:Highlands has the nicest fans.

Highlands has the most obnoxious fans.

Good analogy. When it comes to Harlan High School, Harlan Co. High School has some of the best fans ever and some of the most obnoxious fans ever and we don't even play each other. It seems that half the posts in a HHS thread are two or three obnoxious HC fans bashing the Harlan High team. I must admit though it's kinda fun going on with them.
I hung out with some Highlands fans before the Boyle game this year and they are by far the nicest and coolest fans I have met and been around. It's too bad that some get behind a keyboard and make the whole fan base look bad but I can promise that those few bad apples DO NOT spoil the whole bunch. I look forward to hanging out with my Highlands friends in the future.

LexCath has some great fans also.

For me West Jessamine is the worst/most obnoxious. East Jessamine also. Danville has some good some bad. Boyle has some great great fans but there are some sketchy ones there as well. The great ones at Boyle are the greatest. The bad ones get eye rolls from many. Mercer fans are cool but they are all officials and have better sight from the stands than the guys on the field.
nicest--raceland pikeville

most obnoxious- hazard or fairview. pburg is n there also

doesnt include every fan but most of them
Chorn Wrote:My vote goes to Johnson Central for most obnoxious and Boyle county for nicest.

If I could find the Letter to the Editor from this person, I would post it...

In 2010, a Boyle Co. fan sent the Paintsville Herald a letter to the editor wanting to thank all the JC's for how nice they were. One of their kids (not a player) had to be taken to the ER. This person said they had JC fans offered to take the family to the ER, ask them if they needed any other help while they were there. They said that JC was the nicest place they had ever been.

Not sure on the year, but JC played Shelby Co. A player had to be taken off the field in an ambulance. The Shelby Co. fans and the parents of this kid couldn't get over how nice the JC fans/administration was... I know because I heard them on several occasions at the game.

Say what you want to about JC, people may not like us... and when we're playing against your team, we're gonna cheer for our squad and want to win as bad as anybody. But I promise you won't meet any fans, parents, coaches, players,
administration nicer than JC's.
I like that Pulp...Nice post!!
Nicest- Highland why because they know you made a long bus ride to get your brains beat out They will feed you and be nice.
Most Obnoxious-Hazard
The worse experience I've ever had at a game, was at Boyle County after they beat Bell a few years ago. alot of those folks just do not know how to win, but alot of them are nice at the same time, the ladies at the gates were awesome. Or, ugh, Middlesboro.

My favorite far hands down is either Highlands or the folks up at Central. They were very nice and respectful last year. In '04 I talked to several Highlands fans and they didn't come off as obnoxious at all, a lot of them mostly commented on how great the atmosphere for football, and the scenery up at Log Mountain is.
I spent some time standing in front of the scoreboard at Boyle talking to one of their fans during our game with Mercer this year. Nice guy. Everyone there seemed to be very nice and helpful. The facilities were top notch and from the car to the gate and back we were made to feel welcome.

Can't stand the fans at Warren East. What a bunch of cry babies.
Nicest- Raceland, not really even close lol. Swain County was also awesome. We talked to a guy in Bojangles for about 20 minutes the morning of the game.

Worst- Just from personal experience Belfry fans in isolated incidents. I was walking home after a Belfry/Pikeville game once and heard "(Expletive) Pikeville!" to turn and get drilled by an open bottle of Dr. Pepper lol. And while walking around in Maroon paint at the concession stand may not have been my brightest idea, there were plenty of rude comments by adults lol. Then last season, you had the parents at the Jr. high game yelling fake snap counts to the Pikeville offense. Just a few lol.

Others Fairview, Somerset (Isolated incident), but football is a lot better than baseball and basketball lol. Those sports I could list a lotttttt more.

But for real, sorry you had to go through that PT.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:highlands, bell county most obnoxious nicest probably johnson central but i think the culture changes each year depends on who all is involved on the website

finally someone says highlands. we are obnoxious cause our w column is obnoxious.
most obnoxious is for sure Ohio State fans. i know this is h.s. football. I think every team in ky has a few obnoxious fans but 80% of each teams fan base is quality community driven people.

T fans or Simon Kenton would be my vote for most obnoxious though...

nicest is Sheldon Clark by far
Russell gets my vote as the worst. I do not know if it has changed but the biggest jerks around back in 1982. A quote from then Highlands head coach Bill Herrmann at the end of the year, "The game at Russell was unforgettable. It should serve as a reminder to all of us of how not to treat our visitors in the future." I have never heard a coach talk about a team/town like that before or since.

It is not in KY but Elder fans get a close second, fans where jerks last year and it felt real good to win on their field.

I found Pendleton Co very friendly.
best Bell county ,their true fans worst Bell county jerks that walk your sidelines
Some of the nicest fans I've seen are from Harlan County. I love the way they support their team - they live and die with their Black Bears. After we (Southwestern) beat them in the playoffs last year, all of their fans wished us the best of luck in the semi-state playoffs. That's something I will always remember, and I will always cheer on the Black Bears when the Warriors aren't playing them.

Boyle County has some great fans, as well. Boy, do they love their Rebel football.

No offense, but some of the worst fans are from Perry County Central, not all them though are bad though. There are some nice people in the bunch, but a few of them stick out as rotten eggs.
Useless thread!!!

Each and every school has great fans and supporters at the games and on-line.
Each and every school has jerk fans and supporters at the games and on-line.

To date I have never had an issue with a fan at a high school game (Clay Co Middle maybe), I always will try to talk to opposing fans especially pre-game if I get a chance. Most are great to talk to.

I have only had one issue personally on-line from a poster from another school, as he sent me a private message wanting to fight a few years ago after Somerset beat "His" team.
I love your area Jumper Dad. But most of my experience was with Southwestern last year. Our kids were prone on the field after that game, and the fans there were so nice and compassionate to them. Even before the game started the girls at the gate were a riot!! I loved my experience down there; except for losing, of course.
To quote guys are just a dab to the west of I-75!!!!
Worst is Bellevue, best is Pikeville
Nicest fans- Highlands, Saint X, Trinity, Lex Catholic, Bell County ( too many to list )
Obnoxious- Any fans/ schools that hates a program like the ones above listed cause they win or presume they recruit cause their program is top notch.
I went to a Campbell Co. vs. George Rogers Clark game that got ugly a couple of years ago. First the fight on the field. Their coaches throwing the Camels on their backs instead of breaking it up. The players were heckled by the Drunk A$$ people in their pick up trucks behind them. They threw all kinds of stuff at them. When my self and another coach went over to talk to the Coaches at the end of the half. The Drunkies were calling the players names. ETC. Not a good situation.

By far the meanest and most obnoxious bunch I have been around.
Stardust Wrote:Highlands has the nicest fans.

Highlands has the most obnoxious fans.

Many would agree with Stardust. Success tends to breed either an atmosphere of compassion or an atmosphere of superiority. FTH probably has a lot of both. It kind of goes with winning all the time.
From what I've experienced:

Nicest: Belfry

Obnoxious: Matewan, WV (Really the only stadium I would never, ever return too.)
BlackcatAlum Wrote:From what I've experienced:

Nicest: Belfry

Obnoxious: Matewan, WV (Really the only stadium I would never, ever return too.)
That's a good thread idea.... :thanks:
birdman44 Wrote:finally someone says highlands. we are obnoxious cause our w column is obnoxious.

yeah and your recruiting skills are also obnoxious
FBfan4life Wrote:Nicest fans- Highlands, Saint X, Trinity, Lex Catholic, Bell County ( too many to list )
Obnoxious- Any fans/ schools that hates a program like the ones above listed cause they win or presume they recruit cause their program is top notch.

Saint X,Trinity,And Lex Cath do indeed do some recruiting with them being private schools. That being said by all accounts there fans and programs seem to be class acts and aren't breaking any khsaa rules. I went to the lex cath highlands game last year. And it was a really cool game day environment had a great time. So you are correct that everyone I met was an exceptionally nice person.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Saint X,Trinity,And Lex Cath do indeed do some recruiting with them being private schools. That being said by all accounts there fans and programs seem to be class acts and aren't breaking any khsaa rules. I went to the lex cath highlands game last year. And it was a really cool game day environment had a great time. So you are correct that everyone I met was an exceptionally nice person.

Thank you. For most part and majority of these fans I mentioned are really just pure fans and fun to be with. Of course you always have the bad apple of the bunch that makes the program/ school look arrogant, obnoxious to other people/ fans.

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