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Non-Acceptance = Hateful
judgementday Wrote:I will say that I never understood why Jesus or God was always edited out. Especially when someone utters the "GD" word.....Damn stays but they edit God out......why not just edit out the whole word or, the obvious curse word...

I can tell you why....

God, Jesus, Christ, Lord, Saviour, Heaven, The Bible, Christmas, Easter, the Blood, the Cross........... THOSE WORDS OFFENED PEOPLE.

And media outlets, businesses, organizations would rather edit out anything dealing with Christianity rather than vulgar language/images/actions.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:^ yes i agree that is real its just we shouldn't rub it in people's faces that we're going there and there not

I'm not trying to rub anything in anybody's face. I don't want anybody to die in their sins and go to hell, simply because....
#1 They don't know about Christianity.
#2 Somebody has told them/Or they believe their lifestyle is ok. And their is nothing after this life ends.
# 3 Maybe they think they've gone to far and there's no hope for them.
# 4 Maybe they were a member of a "religion" at some point in their life.... But they have been hurt by "religion". Let me tell you, religion can hurt. Salvation will save you from your sins.

I'm speaking Biblical truth. Salvation is a FREE GIFT!!! Jesus paid the price for us on Calvary. But thank God, that's not the end. If that was the end.... We'd be of all men most miserable. And Christianity would be like all other religions. There would be somebody STILL laying in their grave.

But thank God.... Jesus arose on that 3rd day. And after 40 days, Jesus ascended back to Heaven. 2 men in white array stood by and said "this same Jesus that you see will come again someday".
Oh and one more thing while I'm on the subject.....

JESUS IS NOT ON THE CROSS ANYMORE!!!!! When I see pictures/images with Jesus still on the cross, it makes me wanna start preaching (no, I'm not a preacher) at them.

Yes, Jesus was crucified on the cross at Calvary. Jesus died and shed His blood to cover our sins. And like I mentioned in my earlier post, IF that was the end of Jesus' life, then Christianity would be like every other religion, we would have somebody still laying in a grave someplace.

But thank God, that's wasn't the end. In that time while Jesus was dead, He conquered Death, Hell and the Grave. And thank God again when he arose on the 3rd day. He got up from Joseph's new tomb, left His grave clothes folded (meaning He will return). "Why seek ye the living, out amongst the dead. For He's not here, He is risen, just like He said".

Yes, the cross is a major major symbol in Christianity, but thank God, that wasn't the end. The empty tomb means Jesus is ALIVE, but thank God, that wasn't the end. When Jesus ascended back to Heaven, that meant He is coming back, cause we read about it in the Bible. But thank God, that isn't the end either.

THERE IS NO END WITH JESUS!!!! Heaven is real, those that are washed in the blood of the lamb will get to spend eternity with him! Not just a few years. But forever!!!! IF all Jesus did was die to cover our sins, we still couldn't thank Him enough. But He arose, He ascended, He's coming back; and He's gonna keep us FOREVER!
But back to the Non-Acceptance = Hateful topic..........

Wrong is wrong. Just because everybody else is trying "cater to" or trying not offened certain groups/lifestyles, DOESN'T MAKE THEM RIGHT!

And it's not just the Gay community I'm talking about. It's the muslim's/NOI, atheist/agnostics, devil worshipers, rasta's... or anybody else wanting attention.
There are MANY roads to hell.

But there is only ONE WAY to Heaven.... And that's through Jesus.
And here's another question......

Why can other groups/religions/organizations speak out against a lifestyle/action(s) in a Non-Christian stance, but nothing is hardly ever done or said against them the way certain groups come down against Christian backed businesses/groups????

Isn't non-acceptance the same all the way around???? Or is non-acceptance from Non-Christians not as bad, because of how they believe???
The thing that gives you all a bad reputation are the bad apples that actually do hate, and there's quite a bit of those. But, other than idiots, most people are smart enough not to put them with the majority of Christians who aren't like that.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:I can tell you why....

God, Jesus, Christ, Lord, Saviour, Heaven, The Bible, Christmas, Easter, the Blood, the Cross........... THOSE WORDS OFFENED PEOPLE.

And media outlets, businesses, organizations would rather edit out anything dealing with Christianity rather than vulgar language/images/actions.

Man, those words do NOT offend people! By saying that, you're doing the same thing you are accusing non-Christians of doing.

You all aren't the only people that believe in God.
vundy33 Wrote:Man, those words do NOT offend people! By saying that, you're doing the same thing you are accusing non-Christians of doing.

You all aren't the only people that believe in God.

Yes, those words do offened certain people. And those certain people are the one's who raise the biggest stink....
I didn't say that Christians are the only people that believe in God. But those other people aren't the one's who are always being bashed by every watch dog group/activist group in the country.

Why is there a group of atheist trying to remove to Cross statue from Ground Zero in NYC?

Why did Madalyn Murray O'hair lead a group of atheist to ban prayer in school?

Why are businesses now saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas??

Why are gay rights groups boycotting Chick-Fli-A because of their owners stance on gay marriage?

I could go on and on.......
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Yes, those words do offened certain people. And those certain people are the one's who raise the biggest stink....
I didn't say that Christians are the only people that believe in God. But those other people aren't the one's who are always being bashed by every watch dog group/activist group in the country.

Why is there a group of atheist trying to remove to Cross statue from Ground Zero in NYC?

Why did Madalyn Murray O'hair lead a group of atheist to ban prayer in school?

Why are businesses now saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas??

Why are gay rights groups boycotting Chick-Fli-A because of their owners stance on gay marriage?

I could go on and on.......

You didn't say "certain" people in the post I quoted. Lol...

Of course some people will get butthurt. That's just how the world is, just get over it like everyone else and move on and do your own thing. It is within their RIGHTS to protest what you all do, just like it is for you all to do the things they protest. What's so hard to understand? Live and let live man...
vundy33 Wrote:You didn't say "certain" people in the post I quoted. Lol...

Of course some people will get butthurt. That's just how the world is, just get over it like everyone else and move on and do your own thing. It is within their RIGHTS to protest what you all do, just like it is for you all to do the things they protest. What's so hard to understand? Live and let live man...

Your right, I didn't say 'certain' people. Didn't realize that when I posted the original comment.

We don't protest... We follow The Bible. And if The Bible says it's right, then it's right. And if The Bible says it's wrong, it's wrong. Doesn't get much more simpler than that.

See though, that's what makes Christian's different.... We can't just "Live and let live". Because when if we did.... millions of people would die in their sins and go straight to a devil's hell. People hate to hear somebody else tell them they are living/doing wrong. And here's the worst part... most of the time, those people know they are living/doing wrong, and they are only doing it to spite somebody.
^^See what I mean? What other people believe isn't your business. The sooner you understand that, the sooner people will let up on Christians. Not everyone believes the same as you, so who are you to tell them they're going to hell if they don't believe what you do?

If people don't want to hear what you have to say about your religion, why do you keep insisting to go on about it and what is going to happen to them because they don't believe what you do? You're not going to change their minds. If someone wants to hear it, explain it to them, if they don't, don't keep pushing it into their faces.

I promise you, these is the main reason people are turned off by Christianity. All you're are doing with that kind of attitude is giving people a negative impression of your religion, like this quote...

Quote:People hate to heat somebody else tell them they are living/doing wrong

Umm, duh. But other people don't believe what you do, and never do. Until you stop assuming that and acting like everyone wants to hear what you have to say about how they're going straight to hell, your religion will just keep pushing people away.
Pulp, love your posts. You're right on the money. It's not about being a good person, as there are many of those. Although myself, I totally deserve to burn to pieces lol. Thankfully Jesus is my Savior!

A lot of people don't see madalyn murray o'hair for what she really was. Most people thought she was just a typical athiest out to take the Bible out of schools. Which, in a way she was. In 1962 she led the charge to get the Bible removed from the Baltimore schools, and it eventually spread around the country. She didn't want her son to have to hear the "horrible" things that Christianity taught. Ironically, he became a Christian and eventually became a Christian preacher in the 1980's. Madalyn was a sneaky person, stealing money from her athiest organization. If I am correct (correct me if I am wrong) the people that killed her were from the organization that she led. They killed her after finding about about the fraud she committed.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:But back to the Non-Acceptance = Hateful topic..........

Wrong is wrong. Just because everybody else is trying "cater to" or trying not offened certain groups/lifestyles, DOESN'T MAKE THEM RIGHT!

And it's not just the Gay community I'm talking about. It's the muslim's/NOI, atheist/agnostics, devil worshipers, rasta's... or anybody else wanting attention.

Are you reading what you're typing man?! You are doing the exact same thing you accuse them of doing! No one is trying to cater to other groups and leave you poor little Christians out in the cold, all they're doing is saying not everyone believes in the same God and book as you do.

Stop trying to make Christains out to be victims. The last times checked, it's only's not like you're getting murdered for what you believe, kind of like Muslims have in this country for quite a while. They and other groups are way to PC in my opinion, but they have it so much harder than you.
vundy33 Wrote:Are you reading what you're typing man?! You are doing the exact same thing you accuse them of doing! No one is trying to cater to other groups and leave you poor little Christians out in the cold, all they're doing is saying not everyone believes in the same God and book as you do.

Stop trying to make Christains out to be victims. The last times checked, it's only's not like you're getting murdered for what you believe, kind of like Muslims have in this country for quite a while. They and other groups are way to PC in my opinion, but they have it so much harder than you.

When the Lord puts something on you.... You'd better do it.

I'm not clever enough to come up with some of the stuff I've been posting, trust me. The Lord is just giving me things to say. Somebody needs to read this. I don't know why.... But these things have just been coming to me.
vundy33 Wrote:^^See what I mean? What other people believe isn't your business. The sooner you understand that, the sooner people will let up on Christians. Not everyone believes the same as you, so who are you to tell them they're going to hell if they don't believe what you do?

If people don't want to hear what you have to say about your religion, why do you keep insisting to go on about it and what is going to happen to them because they don't believe what you do? You're not going to change their minds. If someone wants to hear it, explain it to them, if they don't, don't keep pushing it into their faces.

I promise you, these is the main reason people are turned off by Christianity. All you're are doing with that kind of attitude is giving people a negative impression of your religion, like this quote...

Umm, duh. But other people don't believe what you do, and never do. Until you stop assuming that and acting like everyone wants to hear what you have to say about how they're going straight to hell, your religion will just keep pushing people away.

I'm not religious..... I have salvation. There is a BIG difference.
vundy33 Wrote:Are you reading what you're typing man?! You are doing the exact same thing you accuse them of doing! No one is trying to cater to other groups and leave you poor little Christians out in the cold, all they're doing is saying not everyone believes in the same God and book as you do.

Stop trying to make Christains out to be victims. The last times checked, it's only's not like you're getting murdered for what you believe, kind of like Muslims have in this country for quite a while. They and other groups are way to PC in my opinion, but they have it so much harder than you.

Pulp actually has a lot of truth in what he is saying. Christians are bashed in the media, in the classroom, in a lot of places. I can think of several cases over the past few years where a Christian prayer has been banned at a certain location such as a public area or university, but yet the muslims or other groups would be allowed to have their prayer.

We're not getting murdered right now, and I certainly hope nothing like that would ever happen - but we are on the way downhill. There have been a handful of cases over the past year involving people being jailed for their faith. Rosa Parks is known as a national hero for standing her ground for reasons of race, and sadly it will probably come to the point to where another "Rosa Parks" comes about for standing up when somebody tries to take their Christian faith from them in a public place.

The number of Christians that shove the fire/brimstone down your throat is actually very low. Vundy, I know you've heard my rantings against the fire/brimstone type speaking on here in the past so I'll keep that to a minimum on this post - it's dumb to do that, as we both think. But, the media likes to portray it different though. They like to link the Westboro Baptists (who have no religious affiliation, despite the name) and scientology with Christianity. They like to show the preacher that points fingers and tells people they are doomed for eternity without showing the truth about Jesus Christ so that they turn people away.
Ugh...for all of you that have experienced Christians who think they can tell anyone and everyone who doesn't think like them or believe as they do that they are wrong and/or are going to hell, read this thread. It is a prime example of what I'm talking about.
vundy33 Wrote:Are you reading what you're typing man?! You are doing the exact same thing you accuse them of doing! No one is trying to cater to other groups and leave you poor little Christians out in the cold, all they're doing is saying not everyone believes in the same God and book as you do.

Stop trying to make Christains out to be victims. The last times checked, it's only's not like you're getting murdered for what you believe, kind of like Muslims have in this country for quite a while. They and other groups are way to PC in my opinion, but they have it so much harder than you.

For a smart guy, you can sometimes come up with the dumbest, most ridiculous, and off the wall statements I have ever heard.

I can't think of one Muslim that has been killed for for the sake of getting killed in this country just because they are a Muslim, but I can sure think of almost 3,000 Americans that Muslims killed on 9-11-2001 for no reason whatsoever. Other than they just like to kill people.
Better somebody tell them about the good news of Jesus on this earth... and how they can be saved from their sins before it's everlasting to late.

Than be standing before Jesus in Judgement hearing "Depart from me, Ye worker of iniquity. I never knew thee." And be cast out into eternal damnation.
WideRight05 Wrote:Pulp actually has a lot of truth in what he is saying. Christians are bashed in the media, in the classroom, in a lot of places. I can think of several cases over the past few years where a Christian prayer has been banned at a certain location such as a public area or university, but yet the muslims or other groups would be allowed to have their prayer.

We're not getting murdered right now, and I certainly hope nothing like that would ever happen - but we are on the way downhill. There have been a handful of cases over the past year involving people being jailed for their faith. Rosa Parks is known as a national hero for standing her ground for reasons of race, and sadly it will probably come to the point to where another "Rosa Parks" comes about for standing up when somebody tries to take their Christian faith from them in a public place.

The number of Christians that shove the fire/brimstone down your throat is actually very low. Vundy, I know you've heard my rantings against the fire/brimstone type speaking on here in the past so I'll keep that to a minimum on this post - it's dumb to do that, as we both think. But, the media likes to portray it different though. They like to link the Westboro Baptists (who have no religious affiliation, despite the name) and scientology with Christianity. They like to show the preacher that points fingers and tells people they are doomed for eternity without showing the truth about Jesus Christ so that they turn people away.

I've already explained why you all are disliked by a major portion of people! It's a combination of not caring about anyone that doesn't believe as you do, and then constantly condemning and talking down to not getting that everyone doesn't believe what you do, and may not want to see Christian stuff everywhere they look. It's not all Christians, but those turn off everyone else. Also, it's just how the world is...not everyone's going to think the same as you. It's part of the life experience.

Every religion is taking a hit right now, it's just how the world is at the moment. But you all sure as heck aren't the only "victims" out there for sticking to what you believe.
Bob Seger Wrote:For a smart guy, you can sometimes come up with the dumbest, most ridiculous, and off the wall statements I have ever heard.

I can't think of one Muslim that has been killed for for the sake of getting killed in this country just because they are a Muslim, but I can sure think of almost 3,000 Americans that Muslims killed on 9-11-2001 for no reason whatsoever. Other than they just like to kill people.

Are you being serious? You don't remember the rash of "revenge killings" that went on Muslims in NYC and all over the country after 9/11? What about the killings of those Sikh's in Wisconsin because some dumbass had them mistaken for Muslims?

Don't lecture me about 9/11, I know about that. But Islam didn't commit that act...a few extreme men did. That's it. It's just like the people we're fighting in Afghan. They're either extreme, doing it for money, or just resent that we're in there country. It's as simple as that.

"Other than they just like to kill people"? Seriously man? So all Muslims like to kill people? You know a lot about a lot, but you don't know shit about this.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Better somebody tell them about the good news of Jesus on this earth... and how they can be saved from their sins before it's everlasting to late.

Than be standing before Jesus in Judgement hearing "Depart from me, Ye worker of iniquity. I never knew thee." And be cast out into eternal damnation.

Ugh...If I want to be preached to, I'll go to church.
And Bob, if you want to bring up 9/11, which was committed by a few psycho Muslims, and "not remember" all the Muslims that have been attacked just for being Muslim, and say things like "they just like to kill people" about them, then you go right ahead. It's proving my point about why Christianity is so negatively looked at even more.
vundy33 Wrote:Are you being serious? You don't remember the rash of "revenge killings" that went on Muslims in NYC and all over the country after 9/11? What about the killings of those Sikh's in Wisconsin because some dumbass had them mistaken for Muslims?
Don't lecture me about 9/11, I know about that. But Islam didn't commit that act...a few extreme men did. That's it. It's just like the people we're fighting in Afghan. They're either extreme, doing it for money, or just resent that we're in there country. It's as simple as that.

"Other than they just like to kill people"? Seriously man? So all Muslims like to kill people? You know a lot about a lot, but you don't know shit about this.

Oh, so that wasn't just one extreme radical "skinhead" ? How is that different than those that you are calling "a few extreme men" then?

Maybe not all of them, but there are millions and millions and millions of them that do. Your being foolish if you think they dont.

And for the record I know all I need to "know about this S#*&". Maybe all Muslims aren't terrorists , but it sure seems that most terrorists have turned out to be Muslims. Wanna argue that one?

It's as simple as that.
vundy33 Wrote:And Bob, if you want to bring up 9/11, which was committed by a few psycho Muslims, and "not remember" all the Muslims that have been attacked just for being Muslim, and say things like "they just like to kill people" about them, then you go right ahead. It's proving my point about why Christianity is so negatively looked at even more.
I never brought the first thing up about church or Christianity or eluded to it in any fashion, so you can trash that comment. It seems you are just itching to trash Christains and Christianity tonight whether you have a basis for it or not. You're just having one of your patented "hate nights again tonight". Lighten up pal.

Anyways killing is taught in Islam and you know it is. Facts are facts whether it fits into your occasional bash Christian tirades or not.
Yeah, I do want to argue that one. If an invading country were to invade America, for whatever reason, we would be "terrorists". The only reason most terrorists are Muslim is because that's who some of them feel their religion is under's not because they like to kill people. That's so close-minded.

You don't know all you think you do Bob, you really don't. Also, the argument isn't about a few extreme said you couldn't remember a cad of revenge killings in America, so I cited one. I didn't say it happens all the time, but it happens. Christians aren't killed here because they are Christian, other than 9/11. We are in another country killing the people who think its ok to kill Christians...that's one of the many reasons I enlisted and went. But killing Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism and don't hate us because of our religion and skin color is not okay.

And there's not millions and millions and millions. National defense is not your strong suit Bob.
Bob Seger Wrote:I never brought the first thing up about church or Christianity or eluded to it in any fashion, so you can trash that comment. It seems you are just itching to trash Christains and Christianity tonight whether you have a basis for it or not. You're just having one of your patented "hate nights again tonight". Lighten up pal.

Anyways killing is taught in Islam and you know it is. Facts are facts whether it fits into your occasional bash Christian tirades or not.

Man, you really don't know what you are talkin about, do you? I have not bashed Christians once, I have actually been careful to explain why a lot of non-Christians look at Christians in a negative light. That was the point or the thread, and I explained it, without grouping all Christians together. You can say I'm bashing Christians all you want, but anyone that knows me knows this isn't the case.

Islam DOES NOT teach killing. The Quran text that some interpret as that, just as the bible does. They are some of the nicest and most generous people I've ever met, and if you make friends with one of them or do something for him, he would die for you. That's a true Muslim. True Muslims don't hate because you don't believe as they do, just like true Christians don't.
All Muslims are not terrorists but an alarmingly high percentage of them support terrorists - a much higher percentage than Christians or any other major religion. It is true that a minority of Muslims support terror groups, but it is not an insignificant minority. If anybody doubts it study this recent survey taken in Muslim countries by Pew. Do the math. The population of Egypt is about 82.5 million people. 39 percent of Egyptians support Hamas, 20 percent support Hezbollah, and 19 percent support both al Qaeda and the Taliban.

There is nothing peaceful about the religion of Islam. Trying to equate Islam and Christianity in terms of the recent terrorist activity on this planet is crazy. There are tens of millions of violent Islamists in this world. They dwarf the number of violent Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists combined.
vundy33 Wrote:Ugh...If I want to be preached to, I'll go to church.

Just a suggestion. After reading the first post in this thread, you should have been well aware of what the proceeding content in this thread was going to be about. All PF is doing is being obedient in doing what he is directed to do by his teachings from the Bible. You sure had the option of not participating in the discussion. He does not deserve to be bashed for caring about your soul's eternal well being. He is trying to be your very best friend, but you are not smart enough to figure out what he is doing. Why hate on someone who is showing you the ultimate love? You have been blessed tonight Vundy, but one of these days if you can ever get that giant chip off your shoulders that you walk around with, you just might figure that part out.

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