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Who will be Paintsville's new Basketball Coach?
UPIKEFAN Wrote:John Pelfrey?
But not.
Gonna be alright this time around.
You are correct. I had forgot all about this gentleman. I know for a fact that he made a call earlier when the rumors were flying around about Matt being fired. He would make a great hire........a run a strict program, hopefully with no strings attached.

As for hiring Coach Trimble and him being a former JCHS coach, I don't see that being a problem. He and his wife both teach in the system, their children are active in the school. I don't think his past history at JCHS should be a problem, plus I'm not sure he was an underachiever.
Olderthandirt Wrote:Pupaw,
You are correct. I had forgot all about this gentleman. I know for a fact that he made a call earlier when the rumors were flying around about Matt being fired. He would make a great hire........a run a strict program, hopefully with no strings attached.

As for hiring Coach Trimble and him being a former JCHS coach, I don't see that being a problem. He and his wife both teach in the system, their children are active in the school. I don't think his past history at JCHS should be a problem, plus I'm not sure he was an underachiever.
Confusednicker: Coach Trimble is a great guy!!!!!! Confusednicker:
Come on people use your brains..... As soon as I read this thread title, one name poped in my head for a new head coach.
Keith Adkins.....
The guy I'm thinking of was named the MVP of the 1996 sweet sixteen state tournament.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Come on people use your brains..... As soon as I read this thread title, one name poped in my head for a new head coach.
Alot of names floating around, and all would be good hires.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:The guy I'm thinking of was named the MVP of the 1996 sweet sixteen state tournament.

I'll go ahead and let it be known that JR isn't the name that I heard. That way there is no confusion of him being a candidate to my knowledge.
UPIKEFAN Wrote:John Pelfrey?

...or Keith Adkins?

I think that they will appoint an interim coach for the upcoming season, and then move forward from there. The timing of this move is a little awkward.
ForearmShiver Wrote:...or Keith Adkins?

I think that they will appoint an interim coach for the upcoming season, and then move forward from there. The timing of this move is a little awkward.
I am afraid a band aid approach would only complicate an already labored athletic program. Do not believe that will be allowed to happen this time. You will get from the go on this one. Too many potential athletes in the system,parents positively asserting themselves and an Admin.. feeling the need to finaly respond appropriately.:biggrin:Who knows ,coaches might not be the only expendable commodity.
Did anyone read the article in this past Friday's Paintsville Herbal?

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
OffTheHook Wrote:Did anyone read the article in this past Friday's Paintsville Herbal?
Yep Hook I am afraid I did.Guess I will have to recant my last post.
Is it gonna be Bill Mike or Adkins?
mr.charlie hustle Wrote:Yep Hook I am afraid I did.Guess I will have to recant my last post.

What I was refering to Hustle was the part about the "cupboard be bare"! Talk about a lot of pissed off parents right now. I didn't know about it till one of the "empty cupboard" parents handed me a paper and said read it.

It's getting to where I won't even by The Paintsville Herbal any more.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
OffTheHook Wrote:What I was refering to Hustle was the part about the "cupboard be bare"! Talk about a lot of pissed off parents right now. I didn't know about it till one of the "empty cupboard" parents handed me a paper and said read it.

It's getting to where I won't even by The Paintsville Herbal any more.
Had to go back and take a 3rd look after your last post. I guess I am not really surprised about the "cupboard" comment. Even if it were true, and it is not. I would never have put it into print from that prospective. I guess it is safe to say on here that there is a very competent group of basketball players on the way through the system. It would be extremely derelict to not put a coach with them,that could help maxamize their play. You know Hook there are those who say there is no money or positions to put a coach from outside in the system. That leaves me scratching my head in lieu of: several folks hired without degree and permitted to work on same while they teach, a considerable number of staff bearing the same last name,many outside the system hires at the Ad. level and the passing by of several PHS grads who have made their mark as Coaches /Teachers at others systems.If it is not done correctly you may as well DC the Programs. Here is a guy with his fingers crossed for the Basketball program.
Hey HOOK, your worring about a writer who cover PHS baseball and never attended a game. Every picture used had a brick wall in the background, even if the game covered was at home.......
I read the atricle and saw the "cupboard" statement, I just laughed. The other thing that got me was his list of possible coaches......Spurlock from SCHS? Why would a guy leave a team with a possible Mr. BB, a possible run at a couple of reginal titles to coach a team struggling to get out of the district.
The thing that got Matt in trouble was the ones sitting closest to him.....and a couple of sets of transfer parents, well several sets of parents who have just enough knowledge of the game to be dangerous.
Olderthandirt Wrote:Hey HOOK, your worring about a writer who cover PHS baseball and never attended a game. Every picture used had a brick wall in the background, even if the game covered was at home.......
I read the atricle and saw the "cupboard" statement, I just laughed. The other thing that got me was his list of possible coaches......Spurlock from SCHS? Why would a guy leave a team with a possible Mr. BB, a possible run at a couple of reginal titles to coach a team struggling to get out of the district.
The thing that got Matt in trouble was the ones sitting closest to him.....and a couple of sets of transfer parents, well several sets of parents who have just enough knowledge of the game to be dangerous.
The article in the Hearld was a slap in the face to those kids and their parents. No, Coach Ratliff hasn't had much to work with other than Tiller and Green. Yes, most of the kids that played wouldn't have played on Paintsville teams in the past, but heck, who would? I think this article was out place and the writer owes those kids an apology in a future article. I did enjoy reading the coaching choices. I thought BMR wasn't interested but it appears he is considering taking the job. I personally think it's between Runyon and Les Trimble. I know Les was a good coach for us a few years back.
JCHSEAGLE Wrote:The article in the Hearld was a slap in the face to those kids and their parents. No, Coach Ratliff hasn't had much to work with other than Tiller and Green. Yes, most of the kids that played wouldn't have played on Paintsville teams in the past, but heck, who would? I think this article was out place and the writer owes those kids an apology in a future article. I did enjoy reading the coaching choices. I thought BMR wasn't interested but it appears he is considering taking the job. I personally think it's between Runyon and Les Trimble. I know Les was a good coach for us a few years back.

I'm not sure that BMR is interested. I've heard he wasn't, but that didn't come from him. I think it's Trimble's job if he wants it.
Coach Trimble would be the only rational choice if the system is to stay in house. The guy is a super individual and would do great justice to the program. Let me say that the system to include the Admin.,School Board and Site Base have always been extremely particular in how they spend the money they do not have. The utilization of the MAT program as well as other practices I am afraid will eventually create a large (-) for one of the finest Educational Programs in the State. Heaven help if Education follows the lead of Athletics. It is real sad that you can't have a system that has both. "A special hats off to our friends across the creek". They are not perfect by any means but they are giving a real shot at blending Athletics and Education.
Olderthandirt Wrote:Hey HOOK, your worring about a writer who cover PHS baseball and never attended a game. Every picture used had a brick wall in the background, even if the game covered was at home.......
I read the atricle and saw the "cupboard" statement, I just laughed. The other thing that got me was his list of possible coaches......Spurlock from SCHS? Why would a guy leave a team with a possible Mr. BB, a possible run at a couple of reginal titles to coach a team struggling to get out of the district.
The thing that got Matt in trouble was the ones sitting closest to him.....and a couple of sets of transfer parents, well several sets of parents who have just enough knowledge of the game to be dangerous.

I know what you are saying OTD. It just irked me for him to say something like that when we had one of the TOP Players in the region in Josh Green! It amazes me how people just sweep him under the rug when he was our best player and CARRIED us for 3 straight years!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Part of the problem with Paintsville is that they want to stay "in house" or hire an alum. Sometimes to get the best results, you need to go outside the system. We have very talented people in this area, but just because you were once a good player, doesn't make you a good coach.

You can have all the talent in the world on a team, but if they aren't a TEAM player, it doesn't matter. It takes a team to win or lose (not an individual)
OffTheHook Wrote:I know what you are saying OTD. It just irked me for him to say something like that when we had one of the TOP Players in the region in Josh Green! It amazes me how people just sweep him under the rug when he was our best player and CARRIED us for 3 straight years!

I followed that team some and if I recall correctly, there seemed to be a power struggle and some hard feelings between the parents of another younger player on that team and I think it stemmed from the parents, or so it seemed.

I agree though that Green was the horse on that team. No more evidence needed than how they sank after he left.
What about mark baldwin the girls coach? Have not seen his name listed as
a canidate.
Baldwin would be a good coach, I just didn't put him on my list because his daughter is coming back out to play her senior season, and I don't see him walking away from that. Also, he will have another solid team this year with a lot less headaches.
I heard today that Saul Smith would be interviewing for the job.
Big Don Wrote:I heard today that Saul Smith would be interviewing for the job.


You So Funny !!!!!!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
When the "Super", "Big Boss Man", or whatever gets back from vacation; there will be at least one interview conducted. Apparently no decisions can be made until then. The ville gets in no hurry. There is no fast breaks there. I guess you got to have the ball to start it.Personally I think it is a done deal. It would seem that there is no rush especially when it comes to athletics. After all you have until after the football districts.Confusednicker:

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