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14th Region 2012 (Include Rankings)
Softballer you did say somehting that made since. She shouldn't take anything serious that is said on here. It's just peoples opinions and they should have them. Ok so tell me this how many kids on the team doesshe work with individually and break down there swing mechanics, fielding mechanics, pitching mechanics... what does she tell you all about hitters casting? what does she teach in sequence in your hitting? In practice what type of drills do you all do? What types of bunts does she teach you all? when she is breaking down swings what does she tell you? Give some input I would like to know. She surely works with you all individual?
Softballer, i was refering to sencond base and the catching position. What are your thoughts? You sound as if you are very close to the program. Thanks. This is just my opionion.
Outsidein, I don't know what they do in practice...I'm speaking from past experiences. And KyCatlover the younger kids, in my opinion, don't have enough experience. The older catcher and second basemen have been a part of the team for a while and the team has good chemistry with them all playing together.
Softballer ok now you go from saying we don't know anything and now you say you don't know. You came across that you knew everything and you knew how great a coach but you really know the answers to my questions.... Don't you.... lol lol When your hit with the real truth about teaching the game all of the sudden you don't know.... Come on.. Yea you know what they do in practice... You know how much time in the off season and during the season what they do... come on... knowledge of swing mechanics, fielding, pitching, come on softballer lol lol now all of the sudden you don't know.... ok
Outsidein, how do you seem to know so much about the ECHS softball program? After watching this team for the last two year alot of what you have said in the past, about the program, is very true. Give me your opinion on the young players. If you could pick a starting lineup what would it be?
P- Gross- Edwards would rotate... Edwards is just as good as Gross
1st- Robinson
2nd Angel
LF- K.Flynn
RF- Rawlins
KyCat it's just not ECHS I follow I follow all softball programs in Ky, TN, and some in OH... come to think just about all over, that includes college as well and summer ball. I'm in Lexington so i can travel and watch alot of games. I could give you a lineup but it would take forever cause I'm not sure on all the names... but now I wouldn't have set lineups because I think you keep all the girls working hard to keep spots or take spots.. also depends on teams that you play... does that team have trouble defending short game.. is there outfield weak... so it depends... also depends on how your team is hitting.. remember in this game defense does not score in order to score you have to hit the ball.. you have to get on lineup can always change... during the season I feel you should move the players in and out... see what they all can do so when it comes regional and state you can have your best performing players on the field and if there not performing well you always have a backup that has had time on the field in all situations. So lets say my lineup would be no set lineup....
Outside, Estill beat Morgan 15-0 last night in 3. I want you to guess how many young players got in the game. What is wrong with this entire coaching staff? How do they benefit by playing the starters the whole game in a game like this? UNREAL!!
Every Sport out at ECHS is like that. The Freshmen and Sophomores play Freshmen and JV Teams (IF they have Freshmen Teams, Football doesn't not) but it's to help them prepare for the varsity levels. 2 players that were Freshmen played varsity basketball this year, one was Mr. Click's son and the other was Coach Jones's Son (which because he was the point guard and a darn good one at that) the rest played JV. Some Sophomores got in but not many and that's because they play JV and their not mature like the Juniors and Seniors that play Varsity. When blowing someone out yes the younger kids should get to play but within softball they don't because the innings are so short. Take last night for an example Estill blew out Morgan 15-0 Freshmen wasn't able to get in the game because of such short innings (3). It's common sense to play your best players (Seniors and Juniors) and win games (Close Games) then it would to play the younger kids that don't have varsity experience. JMO

I don't do the scheduling or have a JV Schedule but don't Coach Beard put the JV team in tournaments and schedule enough JV Games?
I can see your point, but the fact is that Shirley has younger players that are as go as or better than some of the players that she is playing know. When will she give them a chance in the varsity game? We have to sit and watch these older girls make mistake after mistake with no consequences. Makes no sence, at all, to me. Why will she not play the BEST players? She has been that way for ever.
Well I mean softball is different from other sports, if a team is getting blown out the game ends in 3 innings, maybe she don't have enough time to put the younger kids in. Seniors and Juniors start varsity, that's how it is in just about every sport
Was looking at the weather and they may not be able to play tomorrow against Owsley or Friday against Scott County and maybe not even get to play in the Clark County Tourney this weekend. Suppose to rain tomorrow, Friday and Sunny but Rain Saturday. Monday and Saturday are suppose to be scattered storms. Friday is suppose to be storms
Stike I'm not sure on how much you get to watch softball. It appears not very much. You just said the basketball team has a freshman starting at point guard.. Why do they have a freshman starting at that position? Is it because of who dad is or because he is better than the other point guard? He is also the starting quarterback. So he shouldn't be starting it should be a junior or senior no matter howe good or bad that junior or senior is? I believe all positions are open. The grade should not matter and who mom and dad or grandparents are should not matter. You play girls through out the season adn even at different positions. One good thing about fastpitch is that you can re-enter and you have the dp/flex rule. There is no reason you can't get girls playing time. As jv and freshman games yea they play a few and thye play no tournaments. There are alot of freshman and jv tournaments out there but they don't go. Why??? I don't know. Playing morgan co. was a joke. I heard they didn't even play 3 innings the Morgan team quit and Bath is no better. Why would you play teams like that? Should had played the jv against Morgan and than played Vasity against bath (JMO). There was a good tournament in Frankfort this weekend with some pretty goor teams . Why don't you play there instead of playing Morgan and Bath. I could go further but I won't. I could tell you the real truth but nope I will be good. Strike you may know about basketball, football but man you have no idea about the softball end. Well you only hear from one end. You need to go watch and I mean watch. Go watch practice. Watch the off season. See how much knowledge they have. Shoot I heard they had a obstruction call against e. jessamine and your coach did nothing. Ask the plate umpire when it wasn't even his call???? ok
I know there's JV tournaments out there because there listed on the KY Softball Website. Basketball (Boys) has 2 Guards that handled the ball and they both start, one's a Junior and the other is a freshmen. The Freshmen is the main ball carrier.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't Breathitt County been added to Estill's Schedule? I hear the schedule has changed some here lately
freshmen at point because he earned it or given to him? I would say (knowing the coach) he earned it. Does the basketball coach know anything about the mechanics of shooting, dribbling, passing, position play, etc....? I would think he does. But now Strike he can't play there because he is a freshmen. Yes there are alot of Jv tournaments out there. Other schools begging for teams to play.
He get's that position because he's the best one on the team at that position
lol Strike you have hit the nail on the head....See that doesn't happen on the softball end... everything is done by class... if your put in a position you paly that one position until you graduate.. no one can take you out of it... no matter how good the other person is... shoot you don't get a chance to play other teams are looking for girls to play multiple positions (money and roster numbers) (Oh yea on the softball end it depends on who mom and dad and grandparents are as well) the good old buddy buddy system.... Strike I know you don't realize it because your not been around it that much as you are with the basketball end.
Like I've said before softball is different from other sports. If team is getting blown out the game ends in 3 innings. When they've blown teams out maybe she hasn't had time to put the other's in. But the Seniors and Juniors in just about every sport plays Varsity while the others (younger) kids play JV.
Outside, why is Coach Beard like this? Does she not wanna cause conflict with the older players? Does she play to please? It is very evident to me and many others that she is not and will not play the best players. What can we do? I'm sure when Blain or Arthur watch this team play they feel the same way. Is she, Coach Beard, that stuborn and hard headed? She has some really good players on the bench that are just waiting for their opportunity. Will they ever get it?
KyCat I could tell you alot of things but I feel I better not go there. Just get use to it or go somewhere else because it won't change and the girls that are ahead of the freshmen will play before the upper classmen no matter how good they are. Well it does depend on who mom and dad is. Oh yea you did ask me about a lineup. I would revamp the entire infield. If I was playing Estill I would bunt them the entire game. Corners and pitcher would be worn out.
You all do know that the entire Administration and Coaching Staff's get on here and read this non sense that you all talk about and they get tired of it. I had the administration (won't say who) come up to me during basketball season and well they don't like it at all. If you have a problem with playing time go take it up with the coach you won't get anywhere by getting on here and talking about it.
Strike you think I really care who gets on here. Who cares about the admin. just because your scared of them and your afraid they may take your pass away to get into games. Tell you the truth if who ever gets on here and reads this and takes it to heart than they don't havemuch to worry about. Let them get tired of it. Yea but it's fun getting you going over nothing.

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