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Pikeville 4 - Belfry 0
lcgrad2002 Wrote:I don't take offense to it just talking with you. Also, Pikeville hasn't put themselves ahead of the 15th region at all. They tied with Lawrence County and lost to Johnson Central, how does that put them ahead of everyone else. By games played and won yeah they are ahead but that dont matter.
Won one, lost one against JC.
lcgrad2002 Wrote:Did they lose to Prestonsburg also?

Ooops, didn't LC lose to Scott County too? What's their record? 11-21? At least our loss to JC was against a quality team. And Pburg will give people fits in the regional tourney. Inconsistent team, but capable of beating anyone in the region on any night. :biggrin:
Really? Lol ok if that's what you think then you go with that. Scott County may have a bad record but they could beat Prestonsburg. Any team in that Lexington area is good tough competition.
These LC fans on here are the most obnoxious I have ever encountered. It is not in them to leave a thread alone that doesn't have anything to do with them. Pathetic really.:flush:
lcgrad2002 Wrote:Really? Lol ok if that's what you think then you go with that. Scott County may have a bad record but they could beat Prestonsburg. Any team in that Lexington area is good tough competition.
I'm not saying they are not good competition, I'm just saying that Pburg, while not "quality" in the sense we are talking about (Scott Co., Lex. Christian, etc.), is a team that can surprise come tourney time here in this region. Wildly inconsistent team, but those are sometimes the more dangerous ones. And don't forget, the regional is on their home turf. I'm not knocking LC, they are a VERY good team. And, their schedule is SOMEWHAT better than Pikeville's, but not a TON better. Pikeville and LC are definitely the cream of the crop of the 15th, it will be interesting to see who comes out on top. And I would, on ANY day, put JC up as being equal to, if not better than, Scott County. That was the comparison I was making, not Pburg to Scott County.
ok gotcha no problem just talking that's all. I understand I also believe these two are the cream of the crop in the 15th region. Also I would like to rather see these two play in the state tournament rather then the regional tournament which sucks by the way. These two teams are two good for one of them to be sitting at home watching the other play knowing they should be there as well.
I love your passion LCGRAD and applaud it but come on man I am as big LC fan as anyone but ease back a little on the LC domination, I would love to see LC win a state title more than anyone but really how far can one kid take you? Yes my nephew plays at Pikeville which makes me a little prejudice but I know one thing for sure in the LC-Pikeville game Pikeville hitters had a bad night but did you notice every inning they hit him more and more? That is what good teams do, I am sorry if I offended any LC fans with my comments but sometimes you just have to be real!
lcgrad2002 Wrote:ok gotcha no problem just talking that's all. I understand I also believe these two are the cream of the crop in the 15th region. Also I would like to rather see these two play in the state tournament rather then the regional tournament which sucks by the way. These two teams are two good for one of them to be sitting at home watching the other play knowing they should be there as well.
Cool, and I agree as well. Be nice if y'all were still in the 16th! LOL

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