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Corbin 2011
Appreciate the positive comments about my son......decisions to change schools should be the last thing on a 14 year old boys mind, but circumstances beyond his control steered him to south. I sincerely hope the best for all the boys & coaches at Corbin
goBIGblue82 Wrote:I remember watching Sizemore play in middle school. He was a very athletic QB who had a good arm. Im not really sure how he has grown or matured into a high school football player. Any info or stats from his previous school? And I also agree he will be a big addition to a talented group of young players for Corbin.

Yea thats definitely what Corbin needs, another Whitley Co. boy.
I would be afraid to see how many wins Whitley players who have transferred to corbin have got them.
And yes i know, sizemore is transferring in from letcher, but for his first 8 years of school, he went to the county.
On one hand however, i cant totally blame him for transferring out of Whitley because the kid has one hell of an arm and wouldnt be using it at all at Whitley most likely, but to let another one go to Corbin is down right hilarious...
Bolt Wrote:Yea thats definitely what Corbin needs, another Whitley Co. boy.
I would be afraid to see how many wins Whitley players who have transferred to corbin have got them.
And yes i know, sizemore is transferring in from letcher, but for his first 8 years of school, he went to the county.
On one hand however, i cant totally blame him for transferring out of Whitley because the kid has one hell of an arm and wouldnt be using it at all at Whitley most likely, but to let another one go to Corbin is down right hilarious...

I'm pretty sure Sizemore was at Corbin for most of his elementary days and then went to Whitley around the time of middle school. I'm not 100% on this, but I recall him being in Corbin's feeder program. So if I'm correct on this he was always a Corbin kid.....:eyeroll:
goBIGblue82 Wrote:I'm pretty sure Sizemore was at Corbin for most of his elementary days and then went to Whitley around the time of middle school. I'm not 100% on this, but I recall him being in Corbin's feeder program. So if I'm correct on this he was always a Corbin kid.....:eyeroll:

yea, as were the rest of them.
Its not like i had to say anything, if you live in the tri county area, you know what Corbin is all about when it comes to that stuff. I know that you know as well.
Its just funny that after years of it working, even with the weakest district in state, its finally caught up and now the name and town is a thing of the past.
Bolt Wrote:yea, as were the rest of them.
Its not like i had to say anything, if you live in the tri county area, you know what Corbin is all about when it comes to that stuff. I know that you know as well.
Its just funny that after years of it working, even with the weakest district in state, its finally caught up and now the name and town is a thing of the past.

Sizemore transferred to Whitley from Corbin when he was about 10 years old. He lived in Corbin's school district and apparently does again.
SEKYFAN Wrote:Sizemore transferred to Whitley from Corbin when he was about 10 years old. He lived in Corbin's school district and apparently does again.

What? No mention of the other 100?
lol, didnt think so. Theres no point in you all trying to explain yourself.
Everyone already knows. Its no big secret. I personally know the main man behind it and he has absoloutly nothing to do with the school at all, but is into city management of some sort, thats all im going to say. I dont know why the khsaa has looked the other way for so many years but whatever it iis, it must have a good price tag. And i dont care about kids transferring from corbin to whitley or whitley to corbin in grade school seeing as to how half of the kids who go to oak grove elemtary(which is a whitley county school) end up going to corbin and some kids that go to corbin primary (which is further away from corbin high school than oak grove, which as i said, is a county school) end up going to whitley. So thats no big deal. It is a big deal when someone who is in high school transfers, or when they live way out in the county and attend corbin tuition free even though they are suppose to pay when they do that.
This is the reason knox county ended there reciprocal aggreement with corbin and i hope Whitley does the same. I know it sure pissed a lot of west knox parents off to find out they had to send there kids to lynn camp instead of mighty corbin lol.

My main question is, if he does transfer to corbin, will he have to set out a year since he played a year at letcher, or will they call it a legitimate move. Seems like they wouldnt since his family could have stayed in the first place.
Bolt Wrote:What? No mention of the other 100?
lol, didnt think so. Theres no point in you all trying to explain yourself.
Everyone already knows. Its no big secret. I personally know the main man behind it and he has absoloutly nothing to do with the school at all, but is into city management of some sort, thats all im going to say. I dont know why the khsaa has looked the other way for so many years but whatever it iis, it must have a good price tag. And i dont care about kids transferring from corbin to whitley or whitley to corbin in grade school seeing as to how half of the kids who go to oak grove elemtary(which is a whitley county school) end up going to corbin and some kids that go to corbin primary (which is further away from corbin high school than oak grove, which as i said, is a county school) end up going to whitley. So thats no big deal. It is a big deal when someone who is in high school transfers, or when they live way out in the county and attend corbin tuition free even though they are suppose to pay when they do that.
This is the reason knox county ended there reciprocal aggreement with corbin and i hope Whitley does the same. I know it sure pissed a lot of west knox parents off to find out they had to send there kids to lynn camp instead of mighty corbin lol.

My main question is, if he does transfer to corbin, will he have to set out a year since he played a year at letcher, or will they call it a legitimate move. Seems like they wouldnt since his family could have stayed in the first place.

I dont know why you are so upset with Sizemore transferring.Maybe he wants to play for a winning program.But enough said on that.
Lets talk about Corbin Football on what the season will bring.
On the players that are returning.
Key players postions that some of the young players will have to fill.
Today starts summer pratice getting ready for the season.
Lets focus on what really matters getting ready for Friday nights not kids transferring .
i used to like corbin football program, but too much negativity lately about the coaches. not saying that's why some key players aren't playing this year, but lots of stories going around last year and this year.
The Rollins kid is making a huge mistake. A freshmen that could be playing varsity at Corbin. He decided to go to South? You gotta to be kidding me?? If he continued to develope to get bigger & stronger he could get offers for scholarships. When was the last south player to get a scholarship? At Corbin there has been at least 1 every yr. If I was his parent I would done whatever I could have & sacrificed so that he could have continue to go to Corbin. What a disappointment!
I can understand the negativity about the coaches when Jewell first took over and the few years after that. However, I was a fan of his way of coaching. People didn't like him because he was stern and played by the book. Then you didn't dare remove your helmet on the sidelines or have anything but a crew cut. Now the kids seem to have a lot more freedom, running around with longer hair, and so forth.

I think the real reason that people aren't big fans of Coach Jewell is because he's more reserved and not the "rah rah" type. Sure it wouldn't hurt for him to make himself more present in the community. The head coach of Corbin is to the town as Coach Cal is to the state. That's just not Steve's personality and I can't fault him for that.

I can say this much, if you want your boys to become men, play for an honest man who teaches life instead of only football, and sees to it that they get a quality education, Corbin is the place. I for one think it's a breath of fresh air to have a coach that although success on the field is a high priority, life and education of the kids is the #1.
:Thumbs:I like your post Harold. Thats what all coaches should be doing. But,sadly it's not.
How old is this kid?
I want to add a few more things about Coach Jewell. Not only is he one helluva good football mind, he's honest to goodness one of the best teachers in the state. I would put his biology teaching up against anyone. He's not your typical coach that teaches because he has to. He teaches because he wants to teach and help the kids learn.

As I said in my first post, he's not necessarily what you would call a player coach. He and Coach Farris both are coaches that you may not necessarily like as much as you would want when you play for them. So may even dislike them. I can guarantee that when it's all said and done, you will look back on those two men as some of the biggest influences on your life. You will always be able to count on those two guys. I hope the kids realize it. It's nothing more than tough love. That's a forgotten art in sports. It makes you a man!
HAROLD Wrote:I want to add a few more things about Coach Jewell. Not only is he one helluva good football mind, he's honest to goodness one of the best teachers in the state. I would put his biology teaching up against anyone. He's not your typical coach that teaches because he has to. He teaches because he wants to teach and help the kids learn.

As I said in my first post, he's not necessarily what you would call a player coach. He and Coach Farris both are coaches that you may not necessarily like as much as you would want when you play for them. So may even dislike them. I can guarantee that when it's all said and done, you will look back on those two men as some of the biggest influences on your life. You will always be able to count on those two guys. I hope the kids realize it. It's nothing more than tough love. That's a forgotten art in sports. It makes you a man!

Both good post Harold.
HAROLD Wrote:I want to add a few more things about Coach Jewell. Not only is he one helluva good football mind, he's honest to goodness one of the best teachers in the state. I would put his biology teaching up against anyone. He's not your typical coach that teaches because he has to. He teaches because he wants to teach and help the kids learn.

As I said in my first post, he's not necessarily what you would call a player coach. He and Coach Farris both are coaches that you may not necessarily like as much as you would want when you play for them. So may even dislike them. I can guarantee that when it's all said and done, you will look back on those two men as some of the biggest influences on your life. You will always be able to count on those two guys. I hope the kids realize it. It's nothing more than tough love. That's a forgotten art in sports. It makes you a man!
You are right Coach Jewell is one of the best teachers and coach in the state.Hands down.
I'm surprised that so many kids are leaving
goBIGblue82 Wrote:Rollins will be going to South Laurel. I don't think this will impact the team this year but in the long run could hurt. The kid is a beast and could have worked his self onto the field this year. Hopefully he will realize that South Laurel isn't the best fit for him... As for Vorbek he is playing, but I'm not sure about Hopper. Last year was Hopper's first year playing and showed great athleticism and potential. Even though the freshmen class has lost a couple from the state championship team they have also added a few. As it stands now they have more than they did a year ago. And I would say the departures from the sophomore class will have a bigger impact on this season.

Corbin loses another great 8th grader, Jefferson Patrick the 8th grade stud that rushed for 250+ in the state championship game has enrolled at Williamsburg, along with quarterback Dalton Sizemore, yellowjacket fans are getting really excited about this team
cherokee Wrote:Corbin loses another great 8th grader, Jefferson Patrick the 8th grade stud that rushed for 250+ in the state championship game has enrolled at Williamsburg, along with quarterback Dalton Sizemore, yellowjacket fans are getting really excited about this team

Wow, that automatically makes Wburg look very good in the coming years. I wouldnt be surprised to see a couple of region titles out of that bunch.
HAROLD Wrote:I want to add a few more things about Coach Jewell. Not only is he one helluva good football mind, he's honest to goodness one of the best teachers in the state. I would put his biology teaching up against anyone. He's not your typical coach that teaches because he has to. He teaches because he wants to teach and help the kids learn.

As I said in my first post, he's not necessarily what you would call a player coach. He and Coach Farris both are coaches that you may not necessarily like as much as you would want when you play for them. So may even dislike them. I can guarantee that when it's all said and done, you will look back on those two men as some of the biggest influences on your life. You will always be able to count on those two guys. I hope the kids realize it. It's nothing more than tough love. That's a forgotten art in sports. It makes you a man!

While my love for Corbin is about as equal as my love for skunks...I have heard many several parents and kids that played football at corbin that i grew up with say Coach Jewell is a great science mind and is a great teacher. While he is more reserved, i like that about him. Im not much on his coaching style as Corbin has had some hellacious athletes over the years and it seems Jewell has kept many of them held back from prospering by relying on one or two players to much. Ive watched several Corbin games over the year and while they have had a horrible district and except for pburg, a horrible region, they have always competed well in the state semis, however, there have been many times i would have liked to have seen Jewell open it up more, as the kids at corbin are no where as big as they use to be.
Honestly, i believe the biggest downfall of Corbin over the past decade has been the success and prosper of surrounding are teams. Teams like Whitley, South (in the early 00s) Knox, and Wburg have made it harder for the Corbin faithful to make Corbin appealing, as many of the players brought up in one system are now staying there and Corbin hasnt gotten as many tri county athletes as they were back in the 80's and 90's. Im sure any Corbin fan would tell you the same, and while Jewell is a good teacher and football coach, i dont see his tenure at Corbin lasting much longer without some wins against bigger competetion like the newports and such they have lost too in years past. And now, with bell in the same district and Central in the same region, i believe things are only going to get harder for Corbin. I believe this along with the disliking of Corbin coaches by many parents ans players is the reason there losing athletes to schools like Wburg, where a team made up of Corbin and Whitley players is very likely to reach state in the much smaller 1A class.
cherokee Wrote:Corbin loses another great 8th grader, Jefferson Patrick the 8th grade stud that rushed for 250+ in the state championship game has enrolled at Williamsburg, along with quarterback Dalton Sizemore, yellowjacket fans are getting really excited about this team

Whats going on in redhound land, why would 2 8th grade stars(Rollins and Patrick) of a state championship team leave the program before high school, and has the Sizemore rumors finally come to an end.
broll1970 Wrote:Appreciate the positive comments about my son......decisions to change schools should be the last thing on a 14 year old boys mind, but circumstances beyond his control steered him to south. I sincerely hope the best for all the boys & coaches at Corbin

Good luck to him at South Laurel, hopefully he will continue to play, maybe circumstances will change and he will be able to go back and play with his friends and be a Redhound. If not, he will do very well wherever he plays.
cherokee Wrote:Corbin loses another great 8th grader, Jefferson Patrick the 8th grade stud that rushed for 250+ in the state championship game has enrolled at Williamsburg, along with quarterback Dalton Sizemore, yellowjacket fans are getting really excited about this team

I can believe Sizemore going to Williamsburg, makes sense. He will do very well at that level and in their system, expect him to put put up big passing numbers for the Jackets. What happens with the really good QB that will be a freshman if Sizemore does end up at the Burg?
He will truly be missed at Letcher Central. Would had to wait a year behind Logan Johnson, but all the best wishes for this kid.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
The Rollins kid is living with his dad now according to his mom, the Patrick kid is going to Wburg because it will be easier for family.
Has anyone watch any pratice?
If so what does the team speed look like?And is there any size in the lineman?And besides Foley and Howington any word on other captians.Any thing said when , where and who do we scrimmage.
I saw on Facebook Corbin will have new uniforms this year, I only saw the jerseys, what about pants? I'm sure they are going to keep the same style in helments
Can you link a picture to one of the uniforms?
Corbin had a pretty good camp.The defense was really good.
I heard Foley , Howington and Grisby was tackleing machines.
Offense was also pretty good.Moved the ball on both teams.
Just heard Frederick got hurt during camp any news on him?
It seems to me Corbin is due to have a big season this year

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