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Lawrence County @ Bell County 11/20
Lazer Sports Show Wrote:That Davenport kid looks really good, but watching that film that defender is slow and he sucks!Lol LC's defense is a lot faster than that and Turner O' brian is one of the head hunters on this defense at safety.

After this post I cannot believe you are blaming Bell fans for being the ones to start, NONE of us have singled out a single player on your team and said they suck, unlike the classy post above in which you said that about Cody Davenport, I think u need to recheck that statement!!
Bell has not seen the size and strength of anyone like the DAWGS.

OL 6' 5" 275
6'1" 240
6' 310
6' 265
6'1 210

I don't Bell can match up with that???

Also I know they can't move the ball on our defense. We will simply beat them on the Line of Scrimage.
:Cheerlead C-A-T-S-CATS, CATS, CATS!!! :Cheerlead
We will see what happens, Bulldogs had a good practice today worked on a lot of things.
ladycats09 Wrote:Take it however you can get it. I guess to satisfy you, I should say LC by 30. I won't even be a game. You are the greatest football authority I have ever had the priviledge of debating with.

Dawg days! Wrote:Whatever.....

Have a safe trip down and I really didn't mean to offend anyone.
TrueDawg Wrote:Bell has not seen the size and strength of anyone like the DAWGS.

OL 6' 5" 275
6'1" 240
6' 310
6' 265
6'1 210

I don't Bell can match up with that???

Also I know they can't move the ball on our defense. We will simply beat them on the Line of Scrimage.

You are spot on. That OL will dominate the game. We won't have a chance with our undersized DL.

I also understand how you will stuff our O. We have struggled moving the ball all year.
Dawg days! Wrote:So your saying we should just tell our boys to just give up? That they dont have a chance? H*LL, Why should we even waste our time and burn the fuel.

No, it just sounded to me like you already know that the outcome is going to be a win for Lawrence Co and thats not the case.
Bobcat_Dad Wrote:Have you read the same stuff we have? I don't think it is all Bell fans????

Bell will be ready. I think all of this non-sense has their full attention now. No need to worry about us looking ahead.

You want the ATTENTION OF THE BOBCATS? Well you have it now.

I'm not even a Lawrence County fan, or a Bell County fan. Just a fan of high school football and great games. 90% of this thread has been BellCoBobcats09 and ladycats09 runnin their mouths and doggin the LC fans and their team, and they're the ones that got it all started. There's no sense in all that, it's "non-sense" just like you said. I hope it has grabbed the attention of the Bell County players as well as Lawrence County's. I hope both teams play to the best of their abilities so that the fans in attendance get to see a great game. Whoever wins, I hope they take it to Boyle County next week and represent the mountains well.
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
Just Sayin Wrote:After this post I cannot believe you are blaming Bell fans for being the ones to start, NONE of us have singled out a single player on your team and said they suck, unlike the classy post above in which you said that about Cody Davenport, I think u need to recheck that statement!!

LC better score more than 3 TD's if they expect to win. Bell scored 2 TD's against Alcoa...and there isn't a comparison in D's.....I promise you.

Pack you a lunch...cause on paper means nothing.....you all have a long row to hoe though.....

I am more worried about LEX CATH...

NO disrespect to LC but guys you all have played a bunch of nobodies. Its hard to judge your defense when you have played 7 teams with losing records and the others that were mediocre. Rowan had a great record and Rock killed them. Dont get me wrong your defense is good but when you play high profile teams that have 5 great backs and 3 great receivers and a QB with a arm there hard to stop. If you shut down the run and stack the line of scrimmage they will pop out a 50 or 60 yard TD pass. Ask Rock about that.
As of now there are 36 LC fans living in fantasy land. You will not go there and win next friday. Just enjoy that you have made it this far. You can talk on this message board, and hope and dream and talk about how much heart you have. That doesn't change the fact that they are much more talented and skilled than your team. Nothing to be ashamed of your on the right track...but your train that the other poster talks about is about to get derailed. Believe That!!

When you are as good as they are, fans can talk. We don't have to like it, just a fact of sports. Enjoy your messages....but don't get caught up in to where you honestly down deep believe that you can beat them.

I'm guess there are only a hand full in the state that can. Your not one of them.
Do you really think your going to score 42 points on Bell Co's defense. The #50 team in the NATION barely scored that many on us. There going to win there 6th STRAIGHT STATE TITLE in Tennessee. Just keep living in fantasy world and come Friday night you will realize how GREAT Bell Co is!

Pack and James are probably good backs....I haven't seen them play. I'll just say this, if they get those kind of yards against Bell's D. Both can get ready for signing day. I'll say if either gets over 70....they'll be very lucky.

So you are banking on someone getting hurt or something freakish happening. I sure Bell thanks you for the compliment. You do understand that is the only way you can beat them!

If Bell Co played your schedule NO ONE would come within 40 points of Bell Co on your schedule.

Some of this stuff is just....... well I will say crazy. Have any of you Lawerence fans actually saw Bell? I know only 10 of you came down last year? So I will say NO?

Let's revisit some of these posts Friday night after the game. I hope the LC players remember last year. Bell's Varsity getting dressed at Half and the JV still scoring. Sad thing is most of the Varsity players are back as well.
Anyway enjoy the week.

Dang that is saying alot. You mean he is better than Taharin Tyson? He is the FB from Alcoa that already has 3 SEC offers in hand as a JR. 6'1 250.

I am sure, matter of fact I know Pack is good but to make assumptions like that, well you know the saying it makes a a** out of you.

Cant wait to see the 63 point improved team to check in the hilton at 12-0......Afraid they will "pack" out an extra bag labeled 12-1......for your business

MCC and Knox were not in the same class with Bell.

No, really - practice the dance. It will do you more good than practicing football. Bell 50 - LC 0.

REALLY???? Bell fans are JUST AS GUILTY!!!! These are just a few posts I pulled out of this thread
Bell will win in a classic bell match up smashmouth beat them up and take them down type of game
leecoukfan Wrote:No, it just sounded to me like you already know that the outcome is going to be a win for Lawrence Co and thats not the case.

Nope, just tired of hearing people take STUPID shots at our team. Im sure Bell County is a very, very good team. Their record speaks for itself but people to say we dont have a chance is dumb. If Bell wins the game I have already posted I wouldnt be upset as long as LC plays to the best of their ability. There is nothing wrong in losing to a better team.
Try our offensive line.

Marcum 6'2 240
Howard 6'4 305
Collett 6'3 240
Miracle 6'0 230
ladycats09 Wrote:It was just an observation. There are issues with your fans and what is fair for anyone to say. Bell has some things they could improve on, but one of them is not running low. Running high against a hard hitting defensive team is just not a good idea. I have said you have a great football team, your turn around is remarkable.
You better get your emotions in check, or you won't be able to drive home if you lose Friday. By the way....I know I shouldn't feel this way, because I am not giving you all enough credit, but Bell wins this one. I can't believe I just said that.....I am disrespecting the 12-0 LC group. I really think you all think we should believe you are the favorite....and that is fine with me. I will agree that you all are much better than us. I still think we will win the game though.

Have a safe trip, and I am sorry if I offended you. We all know you are the Champs until someone knocks you off. You have the best defense and best backfield in the mountains, and it will certainly show on Friday.
Just yet another example of the same ole same ole. We all know that Bell truly is the best and as the state champs they will remain that until beaten. However, it is not being disrespecting to LC to think Bell will win, its just the way MOST everyone keeps putting it. First it was LC hasn't played anyone just wait until they play someone from district 7. Then it was but MC isn't really up to the standards of district 7, but man KC will fly past LC they are faster, stronger, etc. and they have an ex Bell coach so they will win this one easily. Now that LC has beaten both it is still no respect. I've come to the conclusion that it will never happen even if LC wins which isn't that likely but MOST Bell fans will still not give LC their due. If LC gets destroyed by Bell County on Friday, then so be it they were suppose to win anyway and it is ok to lose to a superior team. LC will go back and get ready to be in this same place in basketball and baseball. It is not the end of the world, but it would be nice to at least be acknowledge that LC does play football with high school kids just like Bell and even though they will probably lose that they could possibly win this thing. I know I made a few mad when I brought up Alcoa a couple of nights ago and that was not intended. However, I did go back and review those threads and it is amazing how the show was on the other foot in the talk leading up to that one. Bell just wanted respect from Alcoa and couldn't get it. Yes Bell might have deserved it a bit more since they were coming off a State title even if it was from last year. However, Alcoa was only seeing what they had done for the past several years and didn't want to give any respect. Now Bell is similiar to Alcoa in being on top and LC is similiar to Bell in that they have proven just a bit lately but still can't even get must respect. Now just like some of the LC fans that have said LC wins by 3 or 4 TD's which I think everyone knows is Very Very Very unlikely, Bell had similiar predictions in those threads against Alcoa which had to be seen as Very, Very, Very unlikely as well. Did Bell lay down for Aloca, H - - L no and I don't expect LC to lay down this Friday either. Could the same thing happen to LC that happened to Bell against Alcoa? Very possible, but could LC also pull the same upset that MOST Bell fans expected to pull against Alcoa? Yes they can. Football is a funny thing just like life and when you think you have it all figured out some type of curveball comes at you and you have to adjust. Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. Good luck to both and to whomever wins this Friday I just hope that we can all realize that this is kids playing a game and if you have to live through those kids then you don't have much of a life and that is what is entirely sad and that goes to all of us no team, parent or fan in particular. Sports are a great thing and I would hate to experience life without them but at times they can bring the worst out of the best people. Let's have fun, enjoy life and the fact that you will have the chance to enjoy your team, your kid, your community on the field one more time. Win or lose this could still be your last game and last day on this earth. Don't have any regrets when you lay your head down at night and enjoy every minute about it win or lose.
Mark 11:23 "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this MOUNTAIN, `Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. NKJ
Defensive Line:

Mills 6'1 190 DE
Lowe 6'2 193 DE
Lawson 6'1 240 DL
Carton 6'0 210 DL

Very Very fast players. Not real big but athletic and fast to the ball. Carton was our second go to RB last year on the Championship team.
ladycats09 Wrote:Have a safe trip down and I really didn't mean to offend anyone.

Not offended....I love to talk football and debate it with anybody but your cheap shots are just getting really old.
ladycats09 Wrote:You are spot on. That OL will dominate the game. We won't have a chance with our undersized DL.

I also understand how you will stuff our O. We have struggled moving the ball all year.

Again, your tongue in cheek comments are needless.
Dawg days! Wrote:LC better score more than 3 TD's if they expect to win. Bell scored 2 TD's against Alcoa...and there isn't a comparison in D's.....I promise you.

Pack you a lunch...cause on paper means nothing.....you all have a long row to hoe though.....

I am more worried about LEX CATH...

NO disrespect to LC but guys you all have played a bunch of nobodies. Its hard to judge your defense when you have played 7 teams with losing records and the others that were mediocre. Rowan had a great record and Rock killed them. Dont get me wrong your defense is good but when you play high profile teams that have 5 great backs and 3 great receivers and a QB with a arm there hard to stop. If you shut down the run and stack the line of scrimmage they will pop out a 50 or 60 yard TD pass. Ask Rock about that.
As of now there are 36 LC fans living in fantasy land. You will not go there and win next friday. Just enjoy that you have made it this far. You can talk on this message board, and hope and dream and talk about how much heart you have. That doesn't change the fact that they are much more talented and skilled than your team. Nothing to be ashamed of your on the right track...but your train that the other poster talks about is about to get derailed. Believe That!!

When you are as good as they are, fans can talk. We don't have to like it, just a fact of sports. Enjoy your messages....but don't get caught up in to where you honestly down deep believe that you can beat them.

I'm guess there are only a hand full in the state that can. Your not one of them.
Do you really think your going to score 42 points on Bell Co's defense. The #50 team in the NATION barely scored that many on us. There going to win there 6th STRAIGHT STATE TITLE in Tennessee. Just keep living in fantasy world and come Friday night you will realize how GREAT Bell Co is!

Pack and James are probably good backs....I haven't seen them play. I'll just say this, if they get those kind of yards against Bell's D. Both can get ready for signing day. I'll say if either gets over 70....they'll be very lucky.

So you are banking on someone getting hurt or something freakish happening. I sure Bell thanks you for the compliment. You do understand that is the only way you can beat them!

If Bell Co played your schedule NO ONE would come within 40 points of Bell Co on your schedule.

Some of this stuff is just....... well I will say crazy. Have any of you Lawerence fans actually saw Bell? I know only 10 of you came down last year? So I will say NO?

Let's revisit some of these posts Friday night after the game. I hope the LC players remember last year. Bell's Varsity getting dressed at Half and the JV still scoring. Sad thing is most of the Varsity players are back as well.
Anyway enjoy the week.

Dang that is saying alot. You mean he is better than Taharin Tyson? He is the FB from Alcoa that already has 3 SEC offers in hand as a JR. 6'1 250.

I am sure, matter of fact I know Pack is good but to make assumptions like that, well you know the saying it makes a a** out of you.

Cant wait to see the 63 point improved team to check in the hilton at 12-0......Afraid they will "pack" out an extra bag labeled 12-1......for your business

MCC and Knox were not in the same class with Bell.

No, really - practice the dance. It will do you more good than practicing football. Bell 50 - LC 0.

REALLY???? Bell fans are JUST AS GUILTY!!!! These are just a few posts I pulled out of this thread

The ones in blue are mine. I don't get how you say they are being smart, but if you do I apologize. I was just talking about the game. The quote about Lex Cath was directed at a Boyle fan that had a comment on the thread.

The Alcoa reference, well....I don't know I can explain that to you if you don't know what I meant. The 2 backs over 100...I meant what I said, if they both go for over 100....then they are legit college recruits. And pack you a lunch, you have a long row to hoe.....not sure how that is derogative, just saying it will be a tough game to win.

The comment about KC and MCC was how I feel. I didn't mean any disrespect to those teams. I have a great deal of respect for both programs. I just feel Bell is on a different level this year.

I again will say that anything that we (Bell Fans) is looked at as being cocky or smart. I just will quit posting now and let the game show you what I have been talking about. Have a great trip and good luck. I hope you all leave healthy and have a safe trip home.
From what I'm hearing Bell County should be out there stopping global warming........
ladycats09 Wrote:The ones in blue are mine. I don't get how you say they are being smart, but if you do I apologize. I was just talking about the game. The quote about Lex Cath was directed at a Boyle fan that had a comment on the thread.

The Alcoa reference, well....I don't know I can explain that to you if you don't know what I meant. The 2 backs over 100...I meant what I said, if they both go for over 100....then they are legit college recruits. And pack you a lunch, you have a long row to hoe.....not sure how that is derogative, just saying it will be a tough game to win.

The comment about KC and MCC was how I feel. I didn't mean any disrespect to those teams. I have a great deal of respect for both programs. I just feel Bell is on a different level this year.

I again will say that anything that we (Bell Fans) is looked at as being cocky or smart. I just will quit posting now and let the game show you what I have been talking about. Have a great trip and good luck. I hope you all leave healthy and have a safe trip home.

Just read my post on 493
TrueDawg Wrote:Bell has not seen the size and strength of anyone like the DAWGS.

OL 6' 5" 275
6'1" 240
6' 310
6' 265
6'1 210

I don't Bell can match up with that???

Also I know they can't move the ball on our defense. We will simply beat them on the Line of Scrimage.
Whatever, have you not seen Alcoa. I'm sure you know more about football than this statement. Just like Bulldog42 said give them all the BB material that they want. LC is good but it is a large mountain that they have to climb on Friday.
Mark 11:23 "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this MOUNTAIN, `Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. NKJ
WildDawg Wrote:In order for LC to win, they will have to play mistake free football. Limit the penalties and don't turn the ball over. The Bulldogs will need to play their best game of the year. Lay it on the line boys. We're proud of you guys. I will be making the trip to Log Mountain. I think LC can contain the Bobcats. LC will probably need 3 TD's to win this one. Best of luck Bulldogs. Stay focused, and make this magical season that much better with a win against the juggernaunt that is Bell County.

it doesn't matter if you play mistakes free football, Lawrence County is still not going to win. Just ask Rockcastle, and Greenup County what Bell County did to them
Dawg days! Wrote:Nope, just tired of hearing people take STUPID shots at our team. Im sure Bell County is a very, very good team. Their record speaks for itself but people to say we dont have a chance is dumb. If Bell wins the game I have already posted I wouldnt be upset as long as LC plays to the best of their ability. There is nothing wrong in losing to a better team.

Yeah thats understandable, just defending your team.
CatDawg Wrote:Just yet another example of the same ole same ole. We all know that Bell truly is the best and as the state champs they will remain that until beaten. However, it is not being disrespecting to LC to think Bell will win, its just the way MOST everyone keeps putting it. First it was LC hasn't played anyone just wait until they play someone from district 7. Then it was but MC isn't really up to the standards of district 7, but man KC will fly past LC they are faster, stronger, etc. and they have an ex Bell coach so they will win this one easily. Now that LC has beaten both it is still no respect. I've come to the conclusion that it will never happen even if LC wins which isn't that likely but MOST Bell fans will still not give LC their due. If LC gets destroyed by Bell County on Friday, then so be it they were suppose to win anyway and it is ok to lose to a superior team. LC will go back and get ready to be in this same place in basketball and baseball. It is not the end of the world, but it would be nice to at least be acknowledge that LC does play football with high school kids just like Bell and even though they will probably lose that they could possibly win this thing. I know I made a few mad when I brought up Alcoa a couple of nights ago and that was not intended. However, I did go back and review those threads and it is amazing how the show was on the other foot in the talk leading up to that one. Bell just wanted respect from Alcoa and couldn't get it. Yes Bell might have deserved it a bit more since they were coming off a State title even if it was from last year. However, Alcoa was only seeing what they had done for the past several years and didn't want to give any respect. Now Bell is similiar to Alcoa in being on top and LC is similiar to Bell in that they have proven just a bit lately but still can't even get must respect. Now just like some of the LC fans that have said LC wins by 3 or 4 TD's which I think everyone knows is Very Very Very unlikely, Bell had similiar predictions in those threads against Alcoa which had to be seen as Very, Very, Very unlikely as well. Did Bell lay down for Aloca, H - - L no and I don't expect LC to lay down this Friday either. Could the same thing happen to LC that happened to Bell against Alcoa? Very possible, but could LC also pull the same upset that MOST Bell fans expected to pull against Alcoa? Yes they can. Football is a funny thing just like life and when you think you have it all figured out some type of curveball comes at you and you have to adjust. Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. Good luck to both and to whomever wins this Friday I just hope that we can all realize that this is kids playing a game and if you have to live through those kids then you don't have much of a life and that is what is entirely sad and that goes to all of us no team, parent or fan in particular. Sports are a great thing and I would hate to experience life without them but at times they can bring the worst out of the best people. Let's have fun, enjoy life and the fact that you will have the chance to enjoy your team, your kid, your community on the field one more time. Win or lose this could still be your last game and last day on this earth. Don't have any regrets when you lay your head down at night and enjoy every minute about it win or lose.

I haven't said one negative thing about their record or schedule. I think and have said their turn around is remarkable and admirable. I get called out because I think that Bell will win. I just don't understand it.
Redneck Wrote:I'm not even a Lawrence County fan, or a Bell County fan. Just a fan of high school football and great games. 90% of this thread has been BellCoBobcats09 and ladycats09 runnin their mouths and doggin the LC fans and their team, and they're the ones that got it all started. There's no sense in all that, it's "non-sense" just like you said. I hope it has grabbed the attention of the Bell County players as well as Lawrence County's. I hope both teams play to the best of their abilities so that the fans in attendance get to see a great game. Whoever wins, I hope they take it to Boyle County next week and represent the mountains well.

If you dont like it nobody is making you read this thread are they?
BigBlueBobcatFan Wrote:Bell will win in a classic bell match up smashmouth beat them up and take them down type of game
I love your signature, however, you must not understand it. I agree that LC has a very little shot at winning but just as your signature says nothing is impossible.
Mark 11:23 "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this MOUNTAIN, `Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. NKJ
TrueDawg Wrote:Bell has not seen the size and strength of anyone like the DAWGS.

OL 6' 5" 275
6'1" 240
6' 310
6' 265
6'1 210

I don't Bell can match up with that???

Also I know they can't move the ball on our defense. We will simply beat them on the Line of Scrimage.

Yeah, actually i do believe they have seen that kinda size. I'm not sure of their exact heights and weights but i know that Marion Co has some pretty big boys and Bell Co didn't have much trouble with them! And Marion Co is about the same caliber of a team as Lawrence Co if not a little better. Yeah the score was close buts thats because Bells JV let the game get out of hand.
lawrencefan Wrote:From what I'm hearing Bell County should be out there stopping global warming........

We are going to try and stop the Meteorite Showers tonight from Log Mountain. Sorry about the global warming.
BellCoBobcats09 Wrote:If you dont like it nobody is making you read this thread are they?

Nope, nobody is makin me read anything. As a high school football fan, I like to see the predictions and thoughts, not the arrogant remarks and puttin down of other teams by fans like you. That's all you have done all season long, put other teams and their fans down.
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
ladycats09 Wrote:I haven't said one negative thing about their record or schedule. I think and have said their turn around is remarkable and admirable. I get called out because I think that Bell will win. I just don't understand it.
If you read the post I said MOST in several areas. Additionally, check your post out that I quoted for mine and I think anyone can see what you were saying about giving LC respect. That's ok give it don't give it the sun will still rise come Saturday morning and life will be just fine either way. However, with some on here on both sides I'm really worried about them if their teams loses.
Mark 11:23 "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this MOUNTAIN, `Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. NKJ
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