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Calipari/LeBron package deal rumors continue
Sports_Fan28 Wrote:Yes he had been, for the knicks in the 80's sometime, and he wasnt too bad then, I think he had one winning season with about 50 wins that season. I may be wrong about the wins, im not sure, but I know he was a coach in the NBA. As far as Calipari leaving UK, I could see it happening and it wouldnt bother me one bit. I do believe he is a shady character just because of the recruits he is able to get. Yes Duke and Carolina and some other schools get some highly touted recruits as well and who's to say they arent cheating, but I just dont see Cal being able to compete with coach k or roy williams at those schools with their names in recruiting, so yeah I do think he is a shady character and probably has done some illegal things that will eventually land UK in trouble. It has happened before, it will happen again. I said it before, I didnt like his coaching style anyway, especially in the last game of the season, he doesnt know what he is doing and that **** dribble drive offense is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. I have become so sick of college basketball and especially UK over the last few years, I am about done with it, thats why I watch more of the NBA now.

You might as well remove UK from you favorite teams list.

TidesHoss32 Wrote:Note to Kentucky fans.
Your school basically sold its soul to the devil by hiring Calipari. I know, I know, he never done anything wrong. He never knew of anything dealing with the Rose thing. The Camby thing. He never knew of anything that ever happened anywhere he has ever been. You all bashed TheVille on here because Pitino hired the coach of a player he was recruiting. You DO REALIZE that in 2001, Cal hired Milt Wagner as "Coordinator of basketball operations" while he was recruiting DeJuan (the son of Milt), dont you? Of course you dont. I like UK basketball, I really do. But this is a fair warning here. Do not be surprised if Calipari bolts UK to MUCH greener NBA pastures. Lets face it, he's a great recruitor, an average x's and o's coach, with below average character. When he does bolt, we'll hear the "He is the worst guy in history, he lied to us, how dare he, I knew there was something up with that guy" by the same UK fans that are touting him the greatest coach in the history of the world.

Come on TH, you telling me the same things haven't been said about Mr. Saban?
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Calipari/LeBron package deal rumors continue - by BlackcatAlum - 05-18-2010, 04:23 PM

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