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Rod Strickland Reassigned; UK Looking for New Assistant
PC_You_Know Wrote:Dude, the Pope could coach at Duke and all UK fans would hate him. But I see your point, Coach Cal is dirty just like EVERY other coach.
lwc Wrote:I usually agree with you, and I partially do this time.

However, I cannot make myself believe that Calipari has not done ANY wrong. I realize that the NCAA violations that were CAUGHT were things that Cal did not do.

Cal reminds me of a crime boss. He may not do the "hits" but he has to be the one ordering them. He may not give Camby money, but he may have told the recruiters and boosters to get him here by any means necessary and turned his back on it. He may not have taken the test for Rose, but he could have told people to get him to Memphis by any means necessary.

Calipari may not be covered in mud, but his hands have to be dirty.
PC_You_Know Wrote:And this is the same with ANY other coach, but some UK fans have glasses on that are such a deep shaded blue they can't see it.
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Rod Strickland Reassigned; UK Looking for New Assistant - by Aslan - 05-14-2010, 01:59 AM

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