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Republican Primary for US senate on May 18
notamoocher Wrote:I would not vote for manson or a socialist like Obama. And you can put your tea baggers phase where the sun doesn't shine.
People like you need to keep voting for the same old stuff. In about 30 years you can roit in the streets because the government can no longer afford to feed your dead a--. Really how long can this country spend more money than it takes in. At present there is only one worker paying in to social security for each person recieving benefits. Within the next 10 years this will get a lot worse. Europe has tried all of the socialist deals and it's not working. Spain 20% unemployment. Greece being bailed out daily. 3 or 4 more countries close to greece. BY THE WAY my total tax bill when i count all taxes, income, payroll, property, gas, sales etc. was 44% of my income last year. I do not want to give anymore of this income to this out of control government . You can send them all of your income ( if you have a job). I would like to keep some of mine.

I do not post as much as you do because my WORK schedule will not allow it. So I am not sitting on my bitter a$@ making accusations about people I don't even know. I do know that I have worked continuously for twenty years, never ever drawed any kind of welfare or public assistance, was raised by parents who never received public assistance, and pay taxes out the rear end also. I do agree with some of the tea partiers beliefs but some are so fanatical they will follow the first smooth talking wolf over a cliff(these are teabaggers). Rand Paul has changed his stance on many issues due to whatever group he is talking to. I am just saying he is going to be some of the same old crap if he gets to Washington because he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. The same way Marco Rubio in Florida does. So if these guys get to Washington and do the same old crap the rest of the Republicans and Democrats have done, you cannot say I didn't tell you so. I am glad we have people as smart as you that can judge someones history and background on here by what they post. Just kidding, you are actually a dumb@#$ when it comes to that department.
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Republican Primary for US senate on May 18 - by OrangenowBlue - 05-11-2010, 09:31 PM

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