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How's offshore drilling working out for conservatives now?
Stardust Wrote:No, you are completely off base to the argument of this thread. This thread was designed to be a politcal issue. Contrary to what the gibberish above was is the fact that this is not a Conservative/Liberal issue. This was a man made issue, but it in fact had ZERO to do with a political affiliation. I would venture to say that their is some democrat owneship in that oil rig that exploded and not 100% owned, operated and supported by Texas born presidents.....:popcorn:

Contrary to what your over inflated head may think. The Drill Baby Drill mantra and conservative $ loving agenda was the target here in this thread. Not the politics or ownership involved with this current disaster. Just as I predicted, you think it's gibberish.

I heard the BP CEO and President say over the weekend that their last best effort will begin when they get a dome to contain the leak this weekend. So if that doesnt work what next?

Drill Baby Drill was stupid for any politician to coin as a catch phrase and what is even more stupid is the fools that cheer for anyone shouting such stupidity. Short sighted political gain is not an equal trade for man made disaster.
Messages In This Thread
How's offshore drilling working out for conservatives now? - by DevilsWin - 05-04-2010, 11:56 AM

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