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How's offshore drilling working out for conservatives now?
DevilsWin Wrote:These money worshipers will never understand, its useless to discuss anything with them.

They think every opinion contrary to theirs is gibberish, on the fringe, radical, communist, socialist, fascist. If it rots their teeth or destroys their lungs or their hearts and minds in a physical sense, it's ok. As long as it doesn't effect their wallet.

So I guess they all wanna die rich fat and happy. The American Way.

That isn't the American Way.

The soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines people who fought and died in Europe, Africa and the Pacific weren't Rich or Fat. Nor did they sacrifice themselves to defeat Communism and Fascism so Massey Energy and BP could get our friends and family killed using unsafe practices and racking up violation after violation, squandor our resources. All the while making record proffits year after year!

Rich, Fat and Blissful protected in gated communities. That is not the American Way.

No, you are completely off base to the argument of this thread. This thread was designed to be a politcal issue. Contrary to what the gibberish above was is the fact that this is not a Conservative/Liberal issue. This was a man made issue, but it in fact had ZERO to do with a political affiliation. I would venture to say that their is some democrat owneship in that oil rig that exploded and not 100% owned, operated and supported by Texas born presidents.....:popcorn:
Messages In This Thread
How's offshore drilling working out for conservatives now? - by Stardust - 05-04-2010, 08:28 AM

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