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05-03-2010, 09:43 AM
Jarons Wrote:How can a coach with TWO final fours vacated under his watch be such a great ambassador to the game of basketball? I thought coach Cal was sleazy before he came to UK, I still think that he is still sleazy as the coach at UK. I have been a fan of UK nearly all of my life. I really did not want UK to hire Calipari because I believe ultimately he destroy what has been restored since UK went on probation in 1988. I do not care if his players make it to the NBA. I want team that will championships and not be vacated.
:worthy:Amen Jarons, Amen :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: You have said my exact feelings that I have been blasted for making on here several times.
I could not stand Coach Cal and his way of doing business. I didn't like the way he did things or carried himself and always was suspicisous of his actions. I'm fairly confident that all the "Cal Lovers" felt the exact same way until he became the head coach. Now all is forgotten, and I mean ALL!
Now everyone wants to throw out the "Nothing has been proven" argument, which only means he has not been found guilty. Proof and guilty do not always mean the same thing. You can be guilty without being proven so!
Now, I put on my UK hat. UK is the team that I love. I am true blue, thus, I love this program and all that it represents. I want nothing more than Champsionship banners to hang from the rafters of the facility that I pay good money to come in for the team which all of my support goes to. It makes it a dilemma to cheer for a coach that I dispised, yet I do. I have to.
I am very supportive of the Wildcats, and am only in hope that the Coach, Administrators and players all to the "right" thing. I don't have to like those in charge, but as long as they do the right thing, I will support them. Will I do it with a hint of suspicion? Absolutely!
It's the same as the election of the President. I did not vote for the current president, but, he is MY president whether I like it or not. I have to support the president now. I have to wish for him to be successful and do the "right thing". If not, who pays? Me, my family, and all of the citizens. So even though I don't like the president, as an American I have to wish him success. As a UK fan, I have to wish Cal success, otherwise I lose out as a UK fan. It does not mean that I have to like Cal though!
Messages In This Thread
According to Reports.......Seattle Columnist Slams Coach Cal - by Strikeout King - 05-03-2010, 01:48 AM
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