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GM governmental loan paid in full + interest.
thecavemaster Wrote:You realize that Adam Smith himself, when read on the whole, did not take such a Darwinistic approach to capitalism (Wealth of Nations for instance)? "Fair scales" capitalism means that Walmart can't drive down wages then urge their employees to go get on government assistance. I guess that kind of thing doesn't happen paddling in a boat on an African river?
What you are describing is exactly what will happen unless Obamacare is repealed. American employers will drop healthcare coverage from their benefits packages. Then many healthy Americans will simply pay a fine for not being covered because it will be cheaper than insurance. When they get seriously ill, then those same uncovered workers will sign up for insurance. Is that the kind of thing that you naively believe Obama's brand of socialism is going to prevent?

That is exactly what Kathleen Sebelius acknowledged would happen - but she was clueless when asked how much more tax dollars would be required to cover the high risk pools that Obamacare will create.

Great example of what happens when a socialist puts his thumb on the scales of the free market.

(And, yes I do believe that there is a role for government in a capitalist system. Breaking up AT&T was an example of proper government intervention as the cost of long distance telecommunication plummeted after the break-up - with no long term degradation of service.)
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GM governmental loan paid in full + interest. - by Hoot Gibson - 04-26-2010, 06:44 PM

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