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GM governmental loan paid in full + interest.
thecavemaster Wrote:Barack Obama is NOT a socialist, does not believe in the nationalizing of industry and such. The point was made by a prominent presedential historian recently that Barack Obama is pretty much what a moderate Republican would have looked like in the 1970's... remember, Gerald Ford appointed John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court. To think on that for a while is to gain some perspective on the tremendous idealogical shifts IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY over the last thirty years.
Some of us are old enough to have lived through the Nixon and Ford years. Obama is far to the left of either of them and he is even to the left of the 70s version of Jimmy Carter. Nixon, Ford, and Carter were lousy presidents but that is about all that they had in common with the socialist residing in the White House today.

As for "historians" - well when they are not writing history, they are attempting to revise it. Trying to paint Obama as the new Ford is a feeble attempt at a total rewrite.
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GM governmental loan paid in full + interest. - by Hoot Gibson - 04-25-2010, 09:41 PM

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