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Health Care Premiums Will Be Reduced By 3000% ???
The people comparing this to LBJ's Medicare need to be taken out back and shot. I mean seriously, government funded abortion? Fix that and about a half dozen dems are all in. I never thought Id see the day when the words "government funded abortions" would be included in a health care plan. One that may go into effect. What a disaster. What a titanic disaster of a president these people across this country have voted in. I seriously hope theyre happy that they "got that oil man" out of the White House. As much as I loved Reagan, I dont think even he would be able to repair the damage left by this bunch. I dont mean to wish bad things on people but..........................
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Health Care Premiums Will Be Reduced By 3000% ??? - by TidesHoss32 - 03-21-2010, 03:28 PM

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