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Why start a thread for every game in KY?
Ring'Em Up Wrote:In the idea of not having a page long quote/thread, this is in response to Dusty.

"I'll be the first to honestly say I don't care what anyone thinks about my activity, and I applaud those who have a similar activity. If you have an issue with it, then that is on you."

This was from your first post in this thread.
My point....this time last year when everyone was tired of the mess that the boards had become, you were saying "I apologize if it bothers people that I post so much, I am just trying to help the site grow, what can I do to help", etc. Now you just said you don't care if we like what you do or not. How is the bold part not saying you dont care what we think, and that it is our problem if we don't like it? I believe your comment was not misconstrued at all. The whole regional/statewide theory was not even being questioned. Only the matter of how it was defended by you this time last year, as compared to this year, now that you are in a position of administration you so "honorably" accepted.
My first post was not directed at one individual, as this post is neither, except for the opening reply, as you clearly disputed some of my opinions and thoughts in your reply. There were concerns directed at a broader, more general view than jus one member, but you took it upon yourself to assume it was all about you.

I could care less who is an admin, mod, whatever, or if someone reaches 1 million posts before I reach a thousand. I just know I am tired of opening up a thread in hopes of seeing something worthy of reading, and getting a "Congrats", a "Nice Win!", an "As predicted", or a "Wow." Congratulating a team in a post you have made discussing the game is fine. But to go into every game final and only post "Congrats"? I honestly would like to know why people do that? Thats no different than everyone "Gratz"ing Lebron in a post when he wins MVP or "Congrats Yankees" when they win the series, but not taking the time to offer any insight or opinion on why you congratulated them. Are these high school coaches, superstar athletes, etc, keeping track of how many strangers on a discussion board are offering their praises for a win or accomplishment?

Of course I want this site to grow. The core members/creators have worked dilligently to keep it alive and grow it each day. My concern is, or should I say "was", instead of alienating those already here by multiple dead posts that have proven over time to not produce any interest, why not create threads to the idea of "Awesome win by This team over That team" or "What's going on in the 3rd region?", or "Did anyone hear about the season So and So High is having this year?" or "Who are the teams to beat in the 10th this season?" I know threads such as that in the baseball forum actually have some good talk in them and then branch off into wider discussion of individual teams, players, etc. Much, much more productive at drawing interest than a list of 25 consecutive scores all with "Grats" and "Good job." At least it shows, whether hollow or not, a sense of genuine interest in the topic at hand.

I know my opinion doesn't matter on this whole deal. It won't make a difference, but I just thought it was the correct thread to voice my reasons as to why I no longer spend time on here and contribute like I used to, as well as other long time members, to maybe help keep from ruining what used to be an enjoyable sports outlet for someone else down the line.

P.S. I want in The Box. I am hungry for The Box. :Hungry:
What we have heah, is a failya to camunicate.
Messages In This Thread
Why start a thread for every game in KY? - by Mr.Kimball - 01-14-2010, 10:14 AM

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