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Why start a thread for every game in KY?
Stardust Wrote:Great post and one that is genuine and sincere. I have no issue with taking the shots and have no qualms with being the focal point of the discussion. I started all of this last year and took the hits for it then and have ZERO issue taking the hits this year. Your points are valid and very warranted.

I dare disagree with your comments that people have been driven away based on thread or post totals. I have seen activity on this site skyrocket. This site has grown to be so much more than what it was. That was an effort taken by few, while others wanted to keep the status quo and were happy with the limited amount of scope that this site was. The growth of this site was not a result of me, but I do take pride in that I pushed this site (and continue to do so). Now there is discussion, disagreement, and genuine dislike of posters from a far larger population that this site has ever seen. My challenge then was, don't knock those trying to help, find a way to make it better for all.

When I joined this site, it was due to the fact that it was intended to be a state-wide site. The effort to get it out to other areas of the state had grown stale. I find it funny how people want to now knock that the site has grown to a list of useless threads. That is an obvious indication that others, including staff members, don't want it to change from what it was. I went through all of this last year when it was said that it was rediculous to post threads that no one was reading. Then low and behold, the threads began getting "Views", which was an obvious indication someone was looking to see if there were any comments. Next thing you know, these threads that were getting no views, to views, started getting comments.

When I started this, there was no discussion about NKY Basketball (well, other than from me). NOW, People are hating on the poster who generates some of the best posts on this site, because he posts mostly about Holmes Basketball. The NKY posts are now getting to the point of what the EKY posts are, and that appears to be taboo to many. That's fine, those who "hate it", obviously didn't join for the "Bluegrass" site, they wanted the regional site. Instead, we have a tremendous following from NKY that post comments on almost all threads for NKY sports. We are getting more and more comments posted on areas in the Central part of the state, at least three times more than we have just a year ago.

I completely disagree with your comment that you inferred that I don't care, or it's your problem. I don't care, or it's your problem if you just want this site to only be a regional only site. That's not what this site is for. So don't misconstrue my comment becasue that is not accurate at all.

You stated that you spend more time on the "other site". You mean the other site that has a comment on virtually every singe game played in the state? You don't seem to have issue that the same games you comment on here that don't need to be on here, are on there. I guess the difference is that those threads have posts. Well, there we go. Isn't that what is wanted on this site. Are there regional separations for those threads. Nope. Seems like no one has issue with fighting through those threads without having to make a separation or segration.

Closing threads. Interesting, there were threads on here asking why threads are being closed. Putting a comment on the thread to say why it is being closed seemed to answer that question for others. Deleting posts. I dare say that no posts are deleted or edited that do not fall in line with the rules of the site. You have a question for the deletion, then ask why?

Staff Members don't ask to be a staff member. I dare say that any staff member that I know, including myself, has changed who they were after getting the privelage to be on staff. I can honestly say that I declined the first time I was asked if I had an interest to be a Staff Member because I did not want to change what I do, or because of the short tenure on the site. I was asked again, and honorably accepted. I shared my concern about how post totals, and previous history of pushing game threads would irk some. Well, I was honored with the opportunity regardless. The comments about how a member gets to be on staff was exactly why I declined interest.

As I said, I have no issue with taking the brunt of the comments. For me, the growth of the site is reward enough. I'm fairly confident that until we have discussion on every single thread, then I will take the brunt next year.


The dude posts more dealing with Shelby Valley negativity then he does anything dealing with Holmes. Even the higher up members are getting tired of him in the Valley threads eventhough he sad he was "trying" to stay out of them because of the trouble he causes. Sure, there's talk of NKY teams now due to him and you, but it really is drawing negativity towards EKY because he thinks it's all EKY knows is EKY basketball.
Messages In This Thread
Why start a thread for every game in KY? - by PC_You_Know - 01-13-2010, 04:21 PM

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