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Luke Salmons CJ Coach of the Year all classes
bulldog42 Wrote:I think it's comical that none of you have ever spoken the first word with him yet you get on a public message board and attack his character with ZERO accountability. Thank God the coaches know him and what he's about.
I've said 1,000 times on here what two kids did was wrong. They know they were wrong, accepted their punishment and have moved on. There is a lot to the story that I'm not getting into on here where adults from Bell Co are just as guilty as the 2 kids. They are human and made a big mistake after being tossed from the last game of their life. One of them got tossed for nothing. Their emotions got the best of them and they lost it. They both knew they were wrong...have apologized...suffered the consequences and we've moved on. If there was a dead horse award then you guys have beat it. Congrats on once again ruining another positive thread with your holier than thou attitude.
Once again congrats to Coach Salmons from your peers (the people who have actually had conversations with you opposed to those that have never spoken a word to you).

To bad the mods don't control the people who live to ruin threads. That's why ************** will always be a better board than this one. ZERO accountability on this board.

Congrats to the other coaches in the area. It was a great year for coaches in Eastern KY. Pburg, SC, SV, JC, LCC, Somerset, Pulaski and Bell to name a few.

You may very well have reason to be upset since you are close to the situation, and you may very well be 100% right, in being offended. Do I think it's alright to assassinate someone's charactor? No I dont. I dont know Coach Salmons and I'm sure that about everyone that has posted comments about him dont either. I will however take your word on how you refer to him based on me knowing what you represent and what you personally stand for. What you do have to consider though is the manner in which most of the Lawrence Co. fan base act on here and why the base of this boards's membership may draw the conclusion's that they do. Go to any Lawrence Co. sporting event and it's easy to see that the administration at Lawrence Co. has no desire to constrain the way in which the Lawrence fan base behaves or in the manner in which many of the kids that participate in the program behave. It's been that way since I was a kid, and that's been going on for over the 40 years that I can personally remember. Lawrence Co. just has a bad reputation, plain and simple. That Bulldog, is what most people's impression of what Lawrence Co. athletics is all about. I've never been an advocate of censorship, and I detest the people that you consider as being "the makeup" of the other board that you are making reference to as being accountable. I do not necessarily think that accountability can be defined as someone who says it's all right to talk about anything you want to talk about or say whatever you want to say, as long as it's something that I want to hear. I clearly remember why the creator of this site was suspended from the other site. It was ridiculous. However you do have two mods on here that do that very same thing. Let's just tell it like it is though, the other site is nothing more than a private northern Kentucky internet country club.
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Luke Salmons CJ Coach of the Year all classes - by Mr.Kimball - 12-24-2009, 10:25 AM

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