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How many current UK freshmen STAY more than one season?
I was on a few minutes ago and was reading the conversation post on the UK-Indiana game, 1 really stuck out to me the guy's name was UKstudent2009 and he posted as if he was friends with just a few of the basketball players, people was saying when wall leaves and PPat that UK will still be good but not as good. He retaliated by saying that there was rumors floating around Campus that no matter the out come of the season that PPat could possibly want to further his education and that he was trying to talk Wall in to coming back for 1 more year.

Now my question to you is this if Wall and PPat come back for 1 more year would this hurt UK in the department of recruiting another point guard because they will still have Hood, Miller, Wall and Bledsoe so would the high profile players like Selby and Knight look to go elsewhere

"Remember this is just a rumor ,I just wanted to get everybody's opinion on this".
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How many current UK freshmen STAY more than one season? - by BigBlueBobcatFan - 12-13-2009, 11:25 AM

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