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Mason County 49 (Cov.) Holy Cross 38
Gold Charger Wrote:They will miss Bonner and Pawsatt beside those that graduated. Who started for the Royals? Did Manship play?

Manship did play, didn't score, don't know how many minutes he got.

I think the starting five was the two Lang's, Setty, Gilbert and Black? I think that's right.

This quote from the Masyville newspaper best sums up the team right now...

Fearis and Ryne King each added four points off the bench and provided another bright spot for Mason County, which was experimenting with different lineups while trying to fill the void from the loss of graduated guards Russ Middleton and Keith Downing, transfer Phil Barner, and junior forward Neal Pawsat, who will miss most of the year with a knee injury. Josh Harris, who was expected to contribute off the bench, is also injured.
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Mason County 49 (Cov.) Holy Cross 38 - by homeless_camel - 12-08-2009, 02:07 AM

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