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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic)
I watched the entire game.
Quickness- Edge to Justice
Strength- Edge to Justice
Passing- Edge to Justice
Ball handling- Edge to Justice
Defense- Edge to Justice
Court Awareness- Edge to Justice
Finishing- Edge to Justice
Outside Shooting- Edge to Cottrill

Cottrill is a fine player, but anyone that watched this game and has any basketball iq had to see it this way. It was blatantly obvious that Elisha had the more impressive overall game. Cottrill threw up at least 10 more shots than Elisha and shot 10 more freethrows and only outscored him by 6. Justice was WAY more efficient. Cotrill can really fill it up and has good potential, but came off as cocky, and a bit selfish from what I saw.
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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic) - by Larry Legend - 11-29-2009, 08:34 PM

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