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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic)
Wildcats11 Wrote:Breaking news CNN just reported: Elisha Justice is human, he got shut down anytime Cotrill was on him. When a good player comes around like Justice, everyone in EKY hypes them to be superhuman. Ohh yeah, How did you like the block Cotrill had on Justice???:Clap:

Oo i see, Wait a second, Cotrill was guarding him at the first of the game 1x1 and Elisha broke his ankles BAD, what happend there bub? ill tell you what happend, they dropped to the 2-3 zone after that, and he never guarded elisha without help again. And about that block, doesnt everyone get blocked lol? whats so amazing about that? and + cotrill being 4 inches taller than elisha, Whats so great about that? :please:
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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic) - by 3Altor5 - 11-29-2009, 03:55 PM

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