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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic)
3Altor5 Wrote:Ok sorry, but your a IDIOT. Anybody that has 37 points, 15+ assists and 2 dunks is great and you know it. Sure Cotrill had 43 points, BUT he shot over 20 free throws and elisha shot exactly 12. And Cotrill also threw up about 30 shots. So how wouldnt you have 43 points with 20+ free throws, and 30 shots??? tell me that buddy. And Elisha also wasnt sucking and hugging up to the ref's like Cotrill was everytime someone was shooting free throws, Elisha is the better ball player and every person that watched the game would tell you that. Cotrill done nothing but FAKE every foul, He would shoot a three and fall if anyone was blocking him out, if he went down the lane he would act like someone had tried killing him. Made me sick to be honest with you. Cotrill is a good ball player indeed. But not nearly as talented as Elisha is, Let elisha shot as many shots and Cotrill did, and lets see who has the most points??? Cotrill's 20 of his 43 points was free throws... and elisha only had 12 free throws, plus Cotrill shot the ball alot more than elisha and still only had 6 more points. So who sounds like the better ball player here? :Clap:

Who is a scholarship player and who is a walk-on??? End of discussion. Case closed. End of arguement. :lmao:
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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic) - by Wildcats11 - 11-29-2009, 03:53 PM

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