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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic)
Wildcats11 Wrote:Well I'll put it to you like this.. I was at the tourney and the officials could have been the 6th man for SV. They got all the calls and go look it up and see how many FT justice shot. I bet 20+ of his points came from FT's. The Game was poorly called and Cotrill is 10X better than Justice and the only thing Justice can do is pass a little better. After seeing Justice play a 2nd time, I will go on to say he can't even compete at a NAIA school. (I wasn't impressed at all) :Thumbs:
Did u watch the game ? Cotrill shot 20+ freethows EJ prbly 12.
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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic) - by alleycat53 - 11-29-2009, 03:24 PM

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