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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic)
joethegreek Wrote:And all of the Logan people at the game were very complimentary about Justice. I was really fun watching this game. Guys I am the only West Virginia native I guess posting on this thread.

I actually talked with a couple of Logan's fans after the game. I overheard them saying, "we had 18 guys on that bench, and no one could guard him". I said, "don't feel bad because we couldn't guard your guy either". One of them said, "yeah, but your's passes the ball more, makes his team better, and isn't cocky like ours."

Cotrill was as good as advertised in my opinion though and all the SV people were very complimentary of his game.
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Shelby Valley 105 - Logan (WV) 91 (Fast Lane Classic) - by DortonWildcat5 - 11-29-2009, 02:45 AM

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