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'Godless' billboard greets I-71 drivers
Beetle01 Wrote:I find it hilarious when people usch as wildcatk just ignore obvious facts to back their agenda or beliefs.

Our country was founded as a Christian nation, it is meant to be ran as a Christian nation. Even Jefferson himself stated that our nation was designed for Christians and is meant to be ran by Christians, otherwise it would fail. As we are seeing now.

The reason religion is left out of govt dealings was to prevent there ever being a recognized religion in this country taking hold like it had in Europe. Even though it was a country for Christians, they wanted to ensure everyone was free to do as they wished here. That there could be no forced religion upon anyone, which most people today agree with.

I dont care if some atheists put up a billboard, if that billboard changes someones views on Jesus and God, then they were not strong enough in their views to begin with.

All these people who put the billboard up want is attention. They dont care about anything else other than garnering some national attention.

PS I also enjoy how people who oppose God being involved in out govt, only quote a handful if that many founding fathers. When most who were involved in the founding of our country were deeply religious Christians. But since a couple werent, all of the sudden no one was.

I have no problem with wildcatk's position or belief. He is entitled to his opinion, and he will live a life based on his own beliefs. Jesus did not beat anyone over the head to make them believe in his message. I'm not here to make anyone believe what I beleive, or live the life that I feel that I am supposed to live. If you beleive in God, you then beleive in the responsibilities of your life. If you do not beleive in God, then your expectations allow you to live a life that provides your own level of hope at the end of life. In either case, my responsibility is to me, thus I don't care what someone else expects of me.
Messages In This Thread
'Godless' billboard greets I-71 drivers - by nky - 11-11-2009, 10:31 AM
'Godless' billboard greets I-71 drivers - by Stardust - 11-17-2009, 02:02 PM

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