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Top Players and Best returning Team in the 14th Region?
nawwww not down on Tn... great program... just not cool wearing at uk ... funny though.. yes you are right it started out to be a great camp but has become to big... I've heard there going to try and limit on the number this year. Blue Chip is good. Vern is a great person and does a great job with the girls... not to big on his pitching mechanics but he is a great person (don't like closing that hip.. messes up the power line and makes it hard to throw a rise ball ) but anyways just my opinion. Most top pitchers thesee days don't close there hip they keep it angle at the end. Well tell those girls to keep working keep great attitudes and it will pay off.. off season is where games are won and personal instruction what makes a winner...
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Top Players and Best returning Team in the 14th Region? - by outsidein - 10-28-2009, 11:17 AM

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