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Wanting to know if our L.C.M.S. Boys are playing Mason M.S.this season?
dugout66 Wrote:I look for Mason Co's 8th grade squad to be solid this year. I thought they would really close the gap on Fleming last year with the 2 additions (who are both nice, solid players). Fleming jumped on them last year to the tune of a 32-7 halftime lead. Mason played better in the second half and only lost by 15-20. This may be the year for Mason to take it to Fleming though, who knows? When they do play it should be a very good game. I don't think that Mason has ever beaten Fleming in that age group which is unusual, but Fleming is solid in that age group as well. I havn't seen Lewis play although I am familiar with a couple of their players. Wade played AAU ball with the Fleming boys for several years and is a good kid and a scrapper. I still can't see them beating either Mason or Fleming (8th grade) but I have been wrong plenty of times. I have a schedule that say's Fleming will play Lewis on Jan. 19th so unless this schedule is wrong or has changed we should get a chance to see how Lewis stacks up. Hopefully will be a good ballgame. At the 8th grade level I think the whole Mason/Lewis/Fleming area should be pretty proud of their teams.
The Fleming/Mason game this year should be a good one.If the Mason coach,can get his guards to look to pass first,and shoot 2nd,they will be fine.Last year Fleming took advantage of the Royals guard play.They shot often/hit few,and didn't guard anyone.Had a very hard time getting the ball in bounds.They hardly ever looked for their 2 big men inside before launching the 3.Mason's key against Fleming willl be to look inside,they have a big advantage there,but didn't use it last season.Fleming has the guard play to beat alot of teams.And if the game is Fleming guards shooting against Mason's guards,the out come will be the same.But the Royals have a new coach this year and I think things will be alot different than last season.But they still may not beat Fleming,but it should be a fun game to watch.
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Wanting to know if our L.C.M.S. Boys are playing Mason M.S.this season? - by Charlie Hustle - 10-25-2009, 04:50 PM

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