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Rush: "The replacement for coal doesn't exist."
TheRealVille Wrote:Listen, as I have told jetpilot in PM, I don't lay around and b***h and whine and depend on politicians to provide for my family. I work several different industry's to make my money. There is very good money to be made away from eastern Kentucky if you go get it. I have traveled as far west as New Mexico and as far north as Michigan to make money. My wife and I have a very trusting relationship and I don't have to lay around eastern Kentucky, depending on coal to feed me. There is very good money to be made out there, you just can't lay here in eastern Kentucky b***hing about politicians and expect to make it. I go where I need to, to provide a VERY good lifestyle for my family. You might even find out as I have, that you can afford to take off 6 months to be with the family, just because you can. You can get out there and make money, or b***h and whine about Obama, it's your choice. As much as I travel, and I haven't even traveled in the last 3 years, I never fail to be home on weekends to be with my family.

TheRealVille Wrote:Make no mistake though with my posts, I don't want coal done away with as an energy source. It is cheap energy. If the EPA determines that the powerhouses are overly polluting, they need to take steps to clean the emissions coming out of their stacks up. I know they can do it, because for the last 3 years I have been working on projects that do just that. After the scrubbers and SCR's are installed, the emissions coming out of the stack are almost 100% clean.

May I ask a question that is not hostile? What do I tell a coal miner who is already in the mines, and have been for at least 15 years and have to rely on that income to feed there families? Quit working in the mines, learn a new trade to get a new job, and in the mean time try to save up enough money to last about two years so they can learn the trade, take certification papers, and find a job. What my solution is if eastern ky could get together and bring the trade here that would pay them while they learn the trade so they can still work and provide for there families. I mean if that is all they know to do, how can the make it? They sure don't have the money to go to school, and they sure don't have the means to move and find another place. If the coal industry wants to stay alive they have to work together so they can stay in business.
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Rush: "The replacement for coal doesn't exist." - by cougarpride08 - 07-21-2009, 05:44 PM

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