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06-05-2009, 10:00 AM
Isn't it amazing what the "right complaining parents" can do. I think this firing/resignation- what ever you want to call it- has as much to do with Coach Burke standing against Sis Hall during a recect SBDM meeting. Sis and her parent rep's (who are both parents of Volleyball players) fought to keep a second PE teacher instead of keeping an English Teacher. With an enrollment of about 430 student- why do you need 2 PE teachers. Freshmen are required to take one semester of PE and one semester of Health. The Freshmen classes at AC probably average about 110 students. Then only days after the SBDM incident Coach Burke was told he would no longer be teaching the only weightlifting class offered at AC. Mark Martin was given the job. These site base decisions are supposed to be in the best interst of the students at their school. It looks more and more like the decisions made at AC are in the best interest of a few. I'm sure there were some upset parents who went to Sis complaining- but I'm pretty sure her decision to get rid of Burke was made long before the season was over. This is just another one of her self satisfying moves. If Henry Webb doesn't get this crap under control- AC won't have to worry about competing in academics or athletics- there won't be any students left.
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Politics Strike Allen Central: New Softball Coach - by LittleBlackcatGirl#1 - 07-29-2009, 01:18 AM
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