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Changes for Middle School Basketball Floyd County
I still find it hard to imagine that they are spending $10,000.00 on trophies. I know a few years back Allen Grade School opted to not host the county tournaments for the year - they said they didn't have enough support to take care of it. Adams and ACMS both wanted to have it, but it ended up going to McDowell. If it was such an expense- then why would 3 different schools try so hard to host it.

ACMS hosted the tournaments this year- and there were cars parked all along Route 80. They had bigger crowds there than ACHS saw all season. When McDowell hosted it a few years ago- they played at SFHS and had to shuttle the fans from the football field to the gym because of the crowds.
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Changes for Middle School Basketball Floyd County - by gotcha2 - 05-29-2009, 02:04 PM

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