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Just a couple pics from the show.. You could make into a hot or not..
She is super hot, any guy that thinks she isnt is either really really gay or just plain weird. I give you that her personality sucks, but thats not what this is about, its about her looks and I have always thought she was hot, well except for the head shaving incident. But shes a celebrity, and most of them have times like these in their lives, times when they struggle because of pressure from everybody that has anything to do with her career, and worst of all the paparazzi. Now im not pulling one of those stunts like that ******* did on youtube, I just think that if the media and the paparazzi would leave celebrities alone, then they would be able to live a decent life.
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Just a couple pics from the show.. You could make into a hot or not.. - by Sports_Fan28 - 03-07-2009, 11:24 PM

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