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The official Stardust vs. theVILLE thread
goBIGblue82 Wrote:You really dont do any research for the stats you post on here, IMO thats why none of your posts hold any credibility.

I broke down the points scored-how many games for Jodie and Williams.

J. Meeks T. Williams
Points/ # Times Points/ # Times
0-5/ 0 times 0-5/ 8 times
6-10/ 0 times 6-10/ 5 times
11-15/ 3 times 11-15/ 4 times
16-20/ 6 times 16-20/ 6 times
21-26/10 times 21-26/ 4 times
27-32/4 times 30+/ 0 times
33-39/2 times 40+/ 0 times
40+/2 times 50+/ 0 times
50+/ 1 time

Terrance Williams has 11 games in single digits and only 6 games with 20 or more points on the other hand Jodie only hasnt had a game in single digits, only 6 games under 20 points and he has 7 games with 30+ points.
You can't expect a Louisville fan to look up stats. They can't even read. Confusedhh::biggrin:
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The official Stardust vs. theVILLE thread - by BCF4L - 03-04-2009, 06:04 PM

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