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Early Try-outs or later in the Spring
Which will your school choose? I sort of like it to be a tad later and not almost immediately after the last ball has bounced. (but before any school's deadline for considering a coaching change)

Will your school use the traditional (2-3) judge deal or perhaps will they go circuits? Does your school keep someone on hand to tabulate all scores as they come in, so as not to prolong the event?

Does your school use "certified" judges?

Is your coach a "certified" judge?

Does your school use a faculty evaluation along with the various other assessments of your skills and talent?

Will your try-outs be after school thru the week or set for a Friday afternoon or perhaps even a Saturday?

Is there a "specific" attire suggested for your try-out?(ie. not allowing apparel used during the year that might identify you as a previous year's member of the squad)

Will your gymnastics be judged beforehand or on the day of? Will you be required to tumble on the hardwood or use a mat?

How many will be gaining a new coach for next season?

I just thought this might be a fun way to "kick" things off for the new season! Good Luck to All!
Messages In This Thread
Early Try-outs or later in the Spring - by IISnakE - 03-03-2009, 04:37 PM

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