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The official Stardust vs. theVILLE thread
TheONLY1 Wrote:Yea memphis is ranked ahead of the ville too and don't you think its wierd how you all lost 2 games in 1week and didn't drop any at all. Thats the big east hype machine for you working again.

OR, the first loss was to the #1 team in the country, and the week of the second loss, three teams ahead of Louisville also lost. Do your research....

TheONLY1 Wrote:Your right no1 will say uofl has a better history then uk cause they don't and it would just be really retarted to say something like that. UK is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of uofl in everything.

So then what was the point of you saying Louisville fans have no argument to say UL has a better history, if nobody has said it? :zzz:
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The official Stardust vs. theVILLE thread - by DeuceUL - 03-03-2009, 01:50 AM

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