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OK Class... today we're going to compare and contrast....
C'mon people... think about how the Expo is set up... consider where they place the bands. (right behind the goals)
Consider the distance from the crowd where the cheer leaders are placed. It is ALOT different than in even larger high school gyms.
In most gyms, the cheer leaders are splitting the free throw lane extended, but @ the Expo, this is not how it is.
In most high school gymnasiums (even the larger ones) they place all bands in the rafters. Even for regular season games and unless people plan, the cheer leaders are always at a loss whenever the band cranks up a song whenever the cheer leaders were planning a 30 second timeout ditty.

Soooo if the cheer leaders are placed far away from their fan base and right in the drum section of their respective band sections... what can the cheer leaders do to enhance their ability to lead cheers?
Perhaps they can do more stunting and use signage with more creativity and flare! Maybe they could employ the use of megaphones, use their little dance routines with their band section... this could actually be a good thing... getting everyone to work together! Perhaps schools could place some cheer leaders in the crowd with their pep sections to help! The Regional Tournaments are always fun events and the excitement is generally helpful to getting one's crowd involved! Good Luck to everyone and if anyone has suggestions on some neat spirit ideas...please feel free to share!

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