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Yes Shelby Valley is the number 1 team, but!
Fiddler Wrote:2001 should be a reminder that anythinbg can happen in the 15th region!
Yes S.V. is dominant.......Yes they have great kids who deserve all the accolades and attention..........Justice is a kid who is well deserving of the hype and his teamates do their part as well......
S.V. has been nothing but class and would represent the 15th very well if they make it to Rupp.
However, I plead the case of the rest of the 15th region on the basis of 2001.
Shelby Valley who was number 1 with a bullet stormed into the 15th regional tournament on their home floor....people were calling it the Shelby Valley invitational..........(sound familiar?)
However, the Allen Central Rebels with a veteran coach in Johnny Martin played a great game and slowed the Wildcats down knocking them off on their home floor in front of their home fans...ending their season. The South Floyd Raiders went on to Rupp and Valley had to wait. I aint saying that will happen again....I'm simply saying it has happened before and nothing is impossible come March.....don't be sure the other teams in the 15th are not going to be up for the challenge....that is why we play the games and don't play them on paper. Valley is super but nobody will roll over and lay down. It will have to be won by Valley and those trophies don't have anybodies name on them yet.:redboxer:
I agree BUT theres not a team in the 15th this year that compares or comes even too that AC team, that team was stacked from top too bottom. As well as Valley and the 01' SF team who underachieved that season and came too play at the right time.
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Yes Shelby Valley is the number 1 team, but! - by Warriors23RJ - 02-24-2009, 11:39 AM

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