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Perry Co. Central 49 - Leslie County 39
I Rule The World Wrote:I was there. Perry went to the post alot to Maggard and he was dominant. Amis got most of his points of free throws at the end.

For Leslie, Asher got in foul trouble early, and had to sit the majority of the first half. Theres really not a legitimate scoring threat for Leslie. Plus, they're shooting 51%on the year from the free throw line. Last night, they were 11-22 from the line. I think.

It was a hard fought defensive game, and Perry just hit they're free throws. That's what it came down to. It was a 4-6 point game the whole game.

Leslie is much improved, especially on defense. They just don't have any scoring, and can't hit free throws.

And Perry has no bench. They play 5 the whole game, unless something happens, then they are VERY weak when they go to the bench. the 54th District draw is here at Leslie Co. today, and it should be a great tournament.

By far, Perrys biggest weakness.
Messages In This Thread
Perry Co. Central 49 - Leslie County 39 - by MVP2 - 02-10-2009, 12:06 AM
Perry Co. Central 49 - Leslie County 39 - by Aslan - 02-10-2009, 02:53 PM

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