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2009 Boys' 7th Grade State Basketball Tournament
I don't understand some thing, will some one explain. Game 1 was played at 4:30 PM today, the winner will advance to play at 2:00 PM tomorrow. However, Game 17 is played at 8:15 PM tonight and the loser will play tomorrow at 9:00 AM and the winner at 10:15 AM. That seems a little un-fair to me. Why are they doing it like that? Is it because they are trying to keep the teams far away from home in Lexington? My only answer would be that, they want to keep teams in Lexington over night instead of having them go home and back the next day. Please Expain. I think its like that all over the bracket, I could be reading wrong so if I am, please correct me, I've been starring at a computer all day and things are starting to run together.
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2009 Boys' 7th Grade State Basketball Tournament - by mtguru - 02-06-2009, 08:24 PM

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