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Anybody else bring their dogs/pets in last night.
We have a weathered dog house with a heat lamp and thermometer for him. On a normal very cold winter night (in the 20's) his dog house stays in the 50's.. However, last night it got so cold here, that Barney's dog house wouldn't even stay above freezing. The temperature dropped to 1 degree at one point last night outside, and it was about 29/30 degrees in his dog house, so I brought him in.

My wife woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know why I had Barney in the house.. She didn't like it that I had a nearly 80 to 90 lb outside dog laying on her floors, but I told her how cold it was outside, then she was okay with it. She told me that I better not let tear up anything, and/or use the bathroom in the floors. To my surprise, Barney laid right next to the couch beside me all night long. He was all stretch out and seemed quite content just being in out of the cold, he didn't move a muscle, and usually this dog is highly energetic and in to everything. I guess he was just happy to get out that cold last night.
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Anybody else bring their dogs/pets in last night. - by torQQue - 02-05-2009, 01:36 PM

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