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  • 5 Boys Basketball Top 20 (Feb. 2)
alfus21 Wrote:Can't argue with that. But to be fair, I don't think any of us that vote act like sheep and follow the herd. Wink

I certainly don't. I vote every week in both boys' polls (as well as both girls' polls), and I take the time to analyze each team that I rank every week. Who have they played lately, who have they beat or lost to? Then I look at their whole season, and decide whether I should drop them or raise them this week. It's never a direct comparison between two teams, just more of a general comparison of all the teams being considered.

Like was mentioned earlier, one thing that makes human polls better than computer ratings is we can include other factors that a computer doesn't factor in. Such as the fact that all 4 of SV's losses came during the week immediately after Elisha Justice's injury. Since he has come back healthy, the team has returned to the elite level they were at before the injury. As human voters, we can recognize that and rate the team accordingly.

Messages In This Thread Boys Basketball Top 20 (Feb. 2) - by More Cowbell - 02-04-2009, 01:39 PM

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