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Shelby Valley 55 - Elliott County 52 All "A" Semi-Finals
letthebighogroot Wrote:First, the only place this game has been hyped since '07 is SV. EC has NEVER been compared to SV, it's always been the other way around. A question for you.....If you are SV, playing the #1 team in the state (per Herald Leader), and the team that beat you 2 years ago in Rupp. Don't you think you are gonna be more jacked up than the team ranked #1 that beat you?????? Enough of that though, SV outplayed us in this game and deserved to win! I said in my prediction post that SV would win if they controlled tempo. I'll also add this.....If they meet again in Rupp.......SV will not win, because EC will meet thier intensity level.

I hope you're joking because honestly Shelby Valley can meet anyone's intensity and they will once again control the tempo of the game...It'll be another close game but I don't see EC winning.
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Shelby Valley 55 - Elliott County 52 All "A" Semi-Finals - by Afternoon_Delight - 02-02-2009, 10:04 PM

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